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【风车草剧团】成立于2003年,由邵美君、梁祖尧及汤骏业创办。剧团以香港为创作基地,制作多元化舞台演出,一方面以不同形式创作具有本土特色及与香港人心灵紧扣的作品;为观众开拓新的观赏角度,让他们感受剧场内那份像「草」一般的无比生命力。我们认为剧场与生活息息相关。现今年青人对文化的定义改变了不少,不论社会文化、生活文化,与上一代已经截然不同。因此,他们希望以年青人对现今社会文化的态度、看法,以及自身的成长经历作为蓝本,创作及改编一套又一套的舞台剧及音乐剧。我们把所思所感及对世界及生命的体会透过剧场跟观众分享。 剧团近年多部作品均以触及人的心灵为主,成功让年青观众走入剧场,跟他们一起分享生命点滴。作品亦作多方面赏试,包括改编外购百老汇音乐剧、 原创本地音乐剧、翻译剧,及集体多元剧场创作。 03年制作《月影寒松》,借用能剧精神融入香港人最熟悉的粤剧表演当中,以粤剧方式表达执迷与破的能剧思想;更获邀参与澳门艺穗节开幕演出,并于 07 华文戏剧节重现舞台,并成为贺节演出。 04年制作都市好玩温馨多元演出《风吹忧愁散》,这个集合录像,戏剧、形体,装置多种不同剧场元素的跨媒体演出,是一个让观众忘忧的演出。 05首次把外购百老汇著名爱情音乐剧《I love you, you are perfect, now change》改编成首个中文版《你咪理,我爱你,死未!》,万人见证,口碑之作;同年除获得香港舞台剧奖十大最受欢迎演出奖外更获得多项提名,包括最佳男女主角(喜闹剧),最佳服务造形,此剧在05至06年短时间之内三度上演共34场,过万人次观赏,牵起扑飞潮,成为本港最受欢迎之音乐剧之一。 06年起举办《Su Be Do Wa 音乐会》,开拓我们的音乐领域;风车草剧团触目的多元化创作不只规限于舞台剧," Su Be Do Wa "音乐会便是一个成功例子。首次 " Su Be Do Wa" 音乐会于2006年在艺穗会举行,叫好叫座!我们演唱陪伴我们成长的音乐剧作品,本地及外国的流行作品,跟观众直接的交流;翌年11月,移师至艺术中心之寿臣剧院载誉重演。由人山人海的多功能才女李端娴 (veegay) 领军,一连四场的音乐会,座无虚席。这次演出更有幸邀请到王菀之小姐及林一峰先生为音乐会写了两首歌,分别是由「风车草」三位成员合唱的《三重唱》及梁祖尧主唱的《那夜我们在听依然》。《Su Be Do Wa》音乐会更获TVB 音乐台邀请参与《为音乐喝彩》录像。 07年应「国际综艺合家欢」邀请,联同本地音乐剧精英,制作《穿红靴的猫》原创音乐剧;首演9场,座无虚席,此剧以香港屋村为创作背景,讲述于单亲家庭长大的主角跟穿起魔法红靴的猫,一起寻找爸爸的故事。我们更把此音乐剧的歌曲制作成《穿红靴的猫》音乐剧原声大碟:《寻找爸爸的音乐旅程》,让观众能回味这个演出的歌曲。 08年再下一城,《穿红靴的猫》载誉重演十三场,反应非常热烈,我们更与 Yahoo! BLOG 合作举办多个活动,让更多观众能接触及一起分享这个本地原创音乐剧。 08年制作翻译剧《我不好爱》,我们将著名剧作家《孽恋焚情》金像得主 Christopher Hampton作品《TREATS》从英国搬到现时的香港,展现不同时地,但男女之间同样的感情角力。
他的作品有《孽恋焚情》“Dangerous Liaisons”、《爱与痛的边缘》“Carrington”,《心之全蚀》“Total Eclipse”等,是次演出将一个出色的著名剧本搬上舞台,原汁原味的把剧中的戏味一一呈现。此剧更创下所有门票于两小时内售罄的佳绩,成为一时热话。 汤骏业与著名音乐监制李端娴(veegay)合作,刚于一月完成首个个人音乐会;风车草剧团x MATERIALGIRL《All In The Timing》群情跃动! 09年风车草剧团踏入香港演艺学院歌剧院,与东亚娱乐及英皇舞台合办《你咪理,我爱你,死未?》(丧爱甜心版),特别邀请了at17的林二汶参与演出,连开十三场! 风车草剧团网页 www.windmillgrasstheatre.com 风车草音乐网站 www.subedowa.com Wind Mill Grass Theatre was founded in 2003 by Shaw Mei Kwan, Joey Leung and Edmond Tong. Hong Kong as base for creation, diversification of the production stage, we create a different local characteristics and the soul closely with the people of Hong Kong. We also use the simple interpretation of the world of modern theater classic repertory approach to developing new audiences. Let them feel the Theatre that such as "Wind Mill Grass". We believe that life is closely related to theater. Today''s young people on the definition of cultural change a lot, regardless of socio-cultural, cultural life, and the older generation has very different. As a result, they hope to young people of today''s social and cultural attitudes, views, as well as the growth of their own experience as the blueprint for the creation and adaptation of sets of plays and musicals. We think the sense of the world and life and experience through the theater to share with the audience. In recent years, theater works are mainly touched people''s hearts, so that the success of the younger audience into the theater, to share life with them bit by bit. Also works for many test tours, including the adaptation of the Broadway musical outsourcing, the original local musicals, opera translations, and multi-theater collective creativity. 2003 produce " Palm Tree under the moon" which is using the spirit of the drama into the Hong Kong people are most familiar with the performance of Cantonese opera, Cantonese opera way to break the obsession with the thinking of Noh; also invited to participate in the Macao Fringe Festival performance, and 07 Chinese Drama Festival to reproduce the stage, and children will be performed. In 2004 the production of warm multi-city fun in "风吹忧愁散", this collection of video, drama, movement and a wide range of theater installations Element of the cross-media performance. 05 for the first time to purchase well-known love Broadway musicals "I love you, you are perfect, now change" into the first Chinese version of "你咪理,我爱你,死未!"Witnesses million people, for the word-of-mouth; the same year, in addition to the Hong Kong Award for theatrical performances of the 10 most popular award. It also received a number of outside nominations, including best leading actor and actress (hi farce), the best form of service, The show 05-06 In a short time and play three games a total of 34, over million people watching, has become one of the most popular Hong Kong musical. Starting in 2006 organized "Su Be Do Wa concert" We have to open up the field of music; Windmill Theater grass caught the attention of the creative diversity not only be confined to the stage, "Su Be Do Wa" is a successful example of the concert. The first time, "Su Be Do Wa" concert in 2006 at the Fringe Club. We sang to accompany the growth of our musical works, both local and foreign popular works. In November the following year, then move to the Hong Kong Arts Center. Sea of people from multi-talented woman Li Duan of Xian (veegay) leader, a series of four concerts, was fully packed. The performance also had the privilege to be invited Miss Wang Wanzhi and Mr. Lin Yifeng wrote the music for two songs."Su Be Do Wa" by TVB music concerts and invite Taiwan to participate in "Music for the acclaim of" video. In 2007, we were invited by "International Arts Carnival" to produce "The Cat in Red Boots" with the local musical elite; First 9 performance was full house. The show create the background for the housing estates in Hong Kong, at about single-parent families The main characters have grown up with the magic red boots to wear the cat, along with his father to find the story. We have more to the musical''s songs into the "Red Boots cat" musical soundtrack album: "The search for his father''s musical journey" to allow the audience to savor the performances of the songs. 2008 gain another victory, " The Cat in Red Boots" re-run Thirteen perofrmance, the response was very enthusiastic, and we have Yahoo! BLOG co-organizes a number of activities so that more viewers can access and share the local original music Drama. In 2008 the production of drama translation, "TREATS" which is written by a well-known playwright, "Dangerous Liaisons" Kim, winner Christopher Hampton works as "TREATS" moved to Britain from Hong Kong at the moment, do not show at the same time, but also between men and women The feelings of wrestling. His works "Dangerous Liaisons", "Carrington", "Total Eclipse" and so on, the performance will be an excellent well-known play, To play the original flavor of the show presented one by one. The show also set a record of all tickets sold out in two hours of performance become so hot in the near future.


