France Ellul
France Ellul,英国竖琴演奏家,是一位全才音乐家,演绎多首创作作品,清新的竖琴配合女声的合唱,有著舒怀平和的感觉。代表作《Spirits Of The Moon》。
France Ellul 4313755 04:29
Relaxation Ensemble、France Ellul 4408981 04:35
France Ellul 4000042 04:09
France Ellul、Relaxation Ensemble 2587451 02:41
France Ellul 4573581 04:45
France Ellul 6953768 07:14
France Ellul 4943883 05:08
France Ellul 4472847 04:39
France Ellul 4513540 04:42
France Ellul 4355969 04:32
France Ellul 2664761 02:46
France Ellul 6272730 06:32
France Ellul 3539150 03:41
France Ellul 8102422 08:26
France Ellul 9203755 09:35
France Ellul 4694813 04:53
France Ellul 4934621 05:08
France Ellul 3591771 03:44
France Ellul 6076542 06:19
France Ellul 4475676 04:39
France Ellul 4661558 04:51
France Ellul 3593497 03:44
France Ellul 6654202 06:55
France Ellul 9203705 09:35
France Ellul 2686913 02:47
France Ellul 3275000 03:24
France Ellul 7389816 07:41
France Ellul 8102422 08:26
Winterlight、Chris Conway、France Ellul 4416958 04:36
Chris Conway、France Ellul、ent 5878524 06:07
Plastik Joy、Chris Conway、France Ellul 4142369 04:18
Bridget McMahon、Chris Conway、France Ellul 4273186 04:27
Niall、Chris Conway、France Ellul 4908030 05:06
Curtis MacDonald、Chris Conway、France Ellul 5021542 05:13
Nigel Holton、Chris Conway、France Ellul 6053346 06:18
John Adorney、Chris Conway、France Ellul 4764210 04:57
David Arkenstone、Chris Conway、France Ellul 5644914 05:52
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 7388976 07:41
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 4693953 04:53
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 4992794 05:12
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 1913689 01:59
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 2587439 02:41
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 2218381 02:18
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 1792483 01:51
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 4408917 04:35
France Ellul、SPA Weekend 6546360 06:49
France Ellul 5982489 06:13
France Ellul 6546709 06:49