One Bit
One Bit are the producer duo consisting of Jonty Howard and Joe Murphy, who alongside working on a wide variety of upcoming projects including Ady Suleiman (Sony), Will Heard (Polydor) and George The Poet (Island) amongst others, have quietly been working on their own artist project The first release from One Bit titled ‘Cold’ received its first play on BBC Introducing via Dean Jackson’s show on January 11th to rave reviews, with Dean going so far as to say “I love it…stunning, I can hear it all over national radio.” Shortly after the radio debut of ‘Cold’, the track was uploaded onto their Soundcloud profile, and in the first week amassed over 10,000 plays, averaging more than 1 play every minute, which as a result found them in the Top 30 most popular tracks on Hype Machine. Attracting positive reviews across the blogosphere from the likes of Digital Spy “This is one of the most accomplished buzz tracks I’ve heard in a while” to Don’t Need No Melody “With a debut like this, things are pointing to a bright future”, it comes as no surprise that many people are already anticipating the next release from One Bit, titled Daydream, which will debut mid February.
One Bit、Diskord 3722344 03:52
One Bit 3424128 03:34
One Bit 4674432 04:52
One Bit 3757056 03:54
One Bit 4416384 04:36
One Bit 3865728 04:01
One Bit 4462848 04:38
One Bit 3303755 03:26
One Bit 3343079 03:28
One Bit 4678933 04:52
One Bit 3252454 03:23
One Bit 4688122 04:52
One Bit、Noah Cyrus 4740331 04:56
One Bit、Noah Cyrus 3486035 03:37
One Bit、Noah Cyrus 2285240 02:22
Dasco、Haneri、One Bit 2955271 03:04
Dasco、Haneri、One Bit 4120959 04:17
One Bit、Louisa 3384491 03:31
One Bit 3197627 03:19
One Bit、Laura White 2681466 02:47
One Bit、Laura White 2505561 02:36
One Bit 3083127 03:12
Jordan Mackampa、One Bit 3682068 03:50
One Bit、Laura White 3696997 03:51
Eckoes、One Bit 5065937 05:16
One Bit、Laura White 3106160 03:14
One Bit、joe murphy、Jonty Howard、Tony Camillo、Mary Sawyer 2483735 02:35
One Bit、joe murphy、Jonty Howard、Tony Camillo、Mary Sawyer 4214504 04:23
One Bit、Jonty Howard、joe murphy、Mary Sawyer、Tony Camillo 4880753 05:05
One Bit、joe murphy、Jonty Howard、Mary Sawyer、Tony Camillo 2365893 02:27
Kokiri、One Bit、Jonty Howard、joe murphy、Mary Sawyer、Tony Camillo 2849469 02:58
MISERO、One Bit、Jonty Howard、joe murphy、Mary Sawyer、Tony Camillo 2573616 02:40
Divolly & Markward、One Bit、Jonty Howard、joe murphy、Mary Sawyer、Tony Camillo 2341231 02:26
Clide、One Bit 2592838 02:42
Clide、One Bit 2354208 02:27
One Bit 2726623 02:50
One Bit、Stevie Appleton 2855301 02:58