Lewis Capaldi
Lewis Capaldi,英国歌手,唱作人,1996年出生于苏格兰格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。Lewis Capaldi9岁开始弹吉他,12岁开始在酒吧唱歌。 凭借《Someone You Loved》雄踞英国单曲榜榜首长达7周之久。首张专辑《Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent》,占据英国专辑榜榜首长达6周。 2017年中期发行了他的第一首单曲《Bruises》后迅速崛起。这首歌迅速在流媒体播放了近2800万次,使得他成为有史以来最快在该平台达到播放量2500万首的未签约歌手。2020年2月19日,凭借《Someone You Loved》获得第40届全英音乐奖最佳英国歌曲奖,同时获得最佳新人奖。
Ludvig Hall、James Earp、Piano Fruits Music、Lewis Capaldi 2033387 02:07
Magnus Eriksson、Pete Kelleher、Phil Plested、Piano Fruits Music、Lewis Capaldi、Ben Kohn 1943596 02:01
Lewis Capaldi 3503613 03:38
Lewis Capaldi 3278323 03:24
Jesse Bloch、Lewis Capaldi 3982505 04:07
Nath Jennings、Lewis Capaldi 2853096 02:58
Benlon、Pop Mage、Lewis Capaldi、Samuel Romans、Thomas Barnes、Peter Kelleher、Benjamin Kohn 2996765 03:07
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Tom Mann 2647615 02:45
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Jamie Hartman 3206520 03:20
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Nick Atkinson、Edd Holloway 2782620 02:53
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Peter Kelleher、Benjamin Kohn 2666451 02:46
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、James Robert Earp 3058541 03:11
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Thomas Andrew Searle Barnes、Benjamin Alexander Kohn 2987986 03:06
Sweet Little Band、Lewis Capaldi、Joseph Robert Janiak 3175088 03:18
Huge Carter、Bass Project、Dragomer Edu、Benjamin Kohn、Tom Barnes、Lewis Capaldi、Pete Kelleher、Sam Roman 2946460 03:04
Huge Carter、Bass Project、Dragomer Edu、Benjamin Kohn、Lewis Capaldi、Tom Barnes、Pete Kelleher、Sam Roman 3819189 03:58
Germein、Isaac Humphries、Lewis Capaldi、James Earp 3986294 04:09
Lewis Capaldi、Lizzy 2920116 03:02
Power Music Workout、Andrew Van Wyngarden、Benjamin Goldwasser、Bruce Fielder、Corey James Sanders、James Arthur、Lewis Capaldi、Luke Fitton 4389618 04:34
TimeMachine、Badjack、Jamie Hartman、Lewis Capaldi、Jamie N Commons 2796850 02:54
Viva La Panda、Justin Rhodes、Benjamin Kohn、Peter Kelleher、Sam Roman、Tom Barnes、Lewis Capaldi、Justin Bartkowski 2472080 02:34
Stingray、Lewis Capaldi 3378634 03:31
Michael Pollack、Philip Plested、Lewis Capaldi、Tms、Power Music Workout 3331402 03:28
Michael Pollack、Philip Plested、Lewis Capaldi、Tms、Power Music Workout 6181466 06:26
GoGirl!、Lewis Capaldi、Peter Kelleher、Benjamin Kohn、Samuel Roman 4561476 04:45
Lewis Capaldi 3318032 03:27
Timmy Commerford、Lost.、Pop Mage、Lewis Capaldi、James Earp 3165402 03:17
Slowed Tunes、8D Tunes、Benlon、Pop Mage、Thomas Barnes、Lewis Capaldi、Peter Kelleher、Benjamin Kohn、Samuel Roman 3224215 03:21
Asaf、Asaf Torres Andujar、Lewis Capaldi 2401387 02:30
JERIKO、Lewis Capaldi 4756721 04:57
LIKETHIS、Lewis Capaldi 4282186 04:27
Three Good Reasons、Benjamin Kohn、Peter Kelleher、Sam Roman、Tom Barnes、Lewis Capaldi 2799760 02:54
Power Music Workout、Philip Plested、Michael Pollack、Lewis Capaldi 3308037 03:26
Workout Remix Factory、Tom Barnes、Lewis Capaldi、Peter Kelleher、Benjamin Kohn、Samuel Roman 4561516 04:45
Benjamin Kohn、Peter Kelleher、Lewis Capaldi、Sam Roman、Tom Barnes、Aiko Bett、Richard Bett 1345342 01:24
Lewis Capaldi 3845082 04:00
Lewis Capaldi、Madism 3628167 03:46
Workout Remix Factory、Lewis Capaldi 5598909 05:49
DJ ReMix Factory、Lewis Capaldi 4561472 04:45
DJ ReMix Workout Factory、Lewis Capaldi 4324959 04:30
Ultimate Remix Factory、Lewis Capaldi 4491165 04:40
United DJ's of Running、Lewis Capaldi 4026982 04:11
Workout Music、Lewis Capaldi 4027024 04:11
Workout Music、Lewis Capaldi 3928814 04:05
Master Series Fitness、Lewis Capaldi 3999379 04:09
Ultimate Workout Hits、Lewis Capaldi 4491117 04:40
Workout Remix Factory、Lewis Capaldi 3999351 04:09
My Workout DJ、Lewis Capaldi 4561486 04:45
My Workout DJ、Lewis Capaldi 4365055 04:32
Remixed Factory、Lewis Capaldi 4365063 04:32
ReMix Kings、Lewis Capaldi 4561472 04:45
DJ ReMix Workout Factory、Lewis Capaldi 4561542 04:45
Dance Hits! Remixed、Lewis Capaldi 4561474 04:45
Ultimate Dance Remixes、Lewis Capaldi 4561490 04:45
The Gym Allstars、Lewis Capaldi 4561512 04:45
Workout Buddy、Lewis Capaldi 4365047 04:32