Genre: Black Metal (Satanism, Death Occultism, Apocalypse) Band Members: Infernal Baphomet :Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drum Programming (2003-present) Forneus: Drums (2010-present) Crepusculum was borned in the depths of the mind of Baphomet, in the fall of 2003 as a pure barbaric impulse and musical emanation of the draconian nature. The first materials revealed as chaotic, devilish Black Metal, underground, predatory and sepulchral. Year 2010 Emerges from the dead full album "Visions of the Apocalypse", which was recorded in the stale dungeon with help of a session drummer, annouced destruction of the earth and the coming of the APEP,in the form of a burning meteorite. After years of solitary wandering and fate adversity Forneus crossess paths with Baphomet as a full-time drummer. In the mists of 2013 second album titled "Illuminatus" has arisen. Soaked by Egyptian magic, typhonic cosmology and spawning infinity might of Apeiron.