Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell,出生于1964年7月20日,是一位出身于美国西雅图的歌手、吉他手、作曲家。他的音域可达四个八度。2019年2月10日,凭借《When Bad Does Good》获第61届格莱美音乐奖最佳摇滚歌手奖。康奈尔曾是声音花园(Soundgarden)乐队和音魔合唱团(Audioslave)乐队的主唱。此外它还发表过三枚个人专辑,分别是《Euphoria Morning》《Carry On》和《Scream》。曾发表作品《You Know My Name》。
Chris Cornell 5372765 05:35
Chris Cornell、Toni Cornell 4276898 04:27
Chris Cornell 5660259 05:53
Chris Cornell 3881031 04:02
Chris Cornell 3683455 03:50
Chris Cornell 3642360 03:47
Chris Cornell 4301062 04:28
Chris Cornell 3845112 04:00
Chris Cornell、Tomeu Alcover 3034669 03:09
Chris Cornell 326888 00:20
Chris Cornell 5599474 05:49
Chris Cornell 4469613 04:39
Chris Cornell 3939243 04:06
David Arnold、Chris Cornell、Sbi、Frank Webster 3383345 03:31
Chris Cornell 3868060 04:01
Chris Cornell 3422165 03:33
Roberto Luti、Chris Cornell、David Arnold 2865348 02:59
Cherie Currie、Chris Cornell、Brie Darling 4136018 04:18
Chris Cornell、Jim Jepsen 3245287 03:22
Mustangs of The West、Chris Cornell、Brad J Wilk、Tim Commerford、Tom Morello 4859055 05:03
Chris Cornell 2946520 03:04
Chris Cornell 3255760 03:23
Chris Cornell 3452220 03:35
Chris Cornell 4039039 04:12
Chris Cornell 3678324 03:49
Chris Cornell 3111168 03:14
Chris Cornell 3109912 03:14
Chris Cornell 3247007 03:22
Zac Brown Band、Chris Cornell 3905476 04:04
Sophie Yera、Chris Cornell 3720118 03:52
Chris Cornell 4213072 04:23
Chris Cornell 3871881 04:01
Chris Cornell 4331575 04:30
Chris Cornell 3865550 04:01
Chris Cornell 4858621 05:03
Nylonwings、Chris Cornell 4321114 04:30
Kris Nedelka、Evan Cantor、Milan Dale、Chris Cornell、bobvillainy 3265369 03:24
The Spacing Effect、Eric Vroman、Chris Cornell、Kim Thayil 4537199 04:43
Chris Cornell 4580678 04:46
Chris Cornell 2251424 02:20
Chris Cornell 4282271 04:27
Michael Naranjo、Brad Wilk、Chris Cornell、Timothy Commerford、Tom Morello 4657169 04:51
Ukes Of Tomorrow、Chris Cornell 3611881 03:45
Gabin、Chris Cornell 3813695 03:58
Various Artists、Movie Sounds Unlimited、Chris Cornell 3857187 04:01
Various Artists、CDM Rock Project、Chris Cornell 4449047 04:38
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 3758597 03:54
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 3681306 03:50
Chris Cornell 4462002 04:38
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell、Brad Wilk、Tim Commerford、Tom Morello 4599250 04:47
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 2971205 03:05
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 4471721 04:39
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 6516353 06:47
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 5555479 05:47
Teen Spirit Band、Chris Cornell 3990622 04:09