Swallow the Sun
Since they were formed in the spring of 2000 by guitarist Juha Raivio and drummer Pasi Pasanen, Finnish sextet Swallow the Sun (later completed by vocalist Mikko Kotamäki, guitarist Markus Jämsen, keyboardist Aleksi Munter, and bassist Matti Honkonen) have made it their mission to reanimate the corpse of classic late-'80s/early-'90s death/doom -- first via 2003's "Out of the Gloomy Light" demo, and then via their critically acclaimed 2005 full-length debut, The Morning Never Came.
Swallow the Sun 5258248 05:28
Swallow the Sun 5065975 05:16
Swallow the Sun 6431438 06:41
Swallow the Sun 5540759 05:46
Swallow the Sun 5402436 05:37
Swallow the Sun 12448822 12:58
Swallow the Sun 9636343 10:02
Swallow the Sun 10592651 11:01
Swallow the Sun 8450612 08:48
Swallow the Sun 8725226 09:05
Swallow the Sun 6459829 06:43
Swallow the Sun 4943033 05:08
Swallow the Sun 7098870 07:23
Swallow the Sun 6046053 06:17
Swallow the Sun 7451668 07:45
Swallow the Sun 4802171 05:00
Swallow the Sun 6169333 06:25
Swallow the Sun 8719304 09:04
Swallow the Sun 13183940 13:43
Swallow the Sun 6021382 06:16
Swallow the Sun 5455449 05:40
Swallow the Sun 7138682 07:26
Swallow the Sun 7630996 07:56
Swallow the Sun 6643765 06:55
Swallow the Sun 4582406 04:46
Swallow the Sun 5422930 05:38
Swallow the Sun 7515208 07:49
Swallow the Sun 4943479 05:08
Swallow the Sun、Saturnus、Shores of Null、Mikko Kotamäki、Elisabetta Marchetti 36875393 38:24
Swallow the Sun、Shores of Null、Mikko Kotamäki、Elisabetta Marchetti 3445669 03:35
Swallow the Sun、Steve Roherty 4094634 04:15
Steve Rothery、Swallow the Sun、Steve Roherty 6171101 06:25
Swallow the Sun 6261824 06:31
Swallow the Sun 5509066 05:44
Swallow the Sun 5255358 05:28
Swallow the Sun 5070206 05:16
Swallow the Sun 11369112 11:50
Swallow the Sun 5214402 05:25
Swallow the Sun 5391581 05:36
Swallow the Sun 4676923 04:52
Swallow the Sun 3266287 03:24
Swallow the Sun 5406254 05:37
Swallow the Sun 6808931 07:05
Swallow the Sun 7083084 07:22
Swallow the Sun 6850729 07:08
Swallow the Sun 5884162 06:07
Swallow the Sun 6596161 06:52
Swallow the Sun 6906707 07:11
Swallow the Sun 4946201 05:09
Swallow the Sun 11296375 11:45
Swallow the Sun、Trio N O X 4471205 04:39
Swallow the Sun 7461681 07:46
Swallow the Sun 5429097 05:39
Swallow the Sun、Trio N O X 2989470 03:06
Swallow the Sun、Trio N O X 4772975 04:58
Swallow the Sun、Trio N O X 4678115 04:52