Andrew Lloyd Webber
安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber),1948年3月22日生于英国伦敦,音乐剧作曲家。 1968年韦伯的音乐剧《约瑟与神奇彩衣》首次登上舞台。截至2013年,他一共创作了13部音乐剧,一部声乐套曲,一组变奏曲,两部电影配乐和一首安魂曲,获得7次托尼奖,7次奥利弗奖,3次格莱美奖,并且凭借《艾薇塔》中的歌曲《You Must Love Me》赢得奥斯卡和金球奖的最佳原创歌曲奖。 1977年,韦伯创立了真正好集团(Really Useful Group),是伦敦最大的剧院经营者之一。 韦伯于1988年荣膺英国皇家音乐学院院士头衔,1992年被英国女皇册封为骑士,1996年岁末再次被授予终生勋爵,成为贵族院成员。
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Zoltán Miller 5808464 06:02
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2426249 02:31
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2009 Korean Cast、HyunJoo Choi、Hong Kwangho、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3899607 04:03
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3209970 03:20
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 5105789 05:19
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Elisabeth Berg、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3923894 04:05
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Elisabeth Berg、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 10321566 10:45
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Zoltán Miller 2164274 02:15
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2289978 02:23
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 529267 00:33
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Zoltán Miller、Andrew Lloyd Webber 4769802 04:58
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3731099 03:53
Pamela Sanabria、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Hartwig Rudolz、Thomas Bayer、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Jeff Martin、peter hofmann、Thomas Schulze、Ruth Hale 9675754 10:05
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber 4832090 05:01
José Joel、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Tere Cabrera、Irasema Terrazas、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Juan Navarro 10442426 10:52
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 5185185 05:24
Anette Stridh、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bjorn Haugan、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2618574 02:43
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Elisabeth Berg、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2172581 02:15
Ilona Bencze、Monika Safar、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Judit Ladinek、Tomasz Galbenisz、Béla Szerednyey、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Péter Pankotay、Zoltán Miller 9658903 10:03
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2493530 02:35
Bert-Åke Varg、Anette Stridh、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bengt Nordfors、Bjorn Haugan、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Martina Langas、Annika Bartler、Magnus Fagerberg 6045202 06:17
José Joel、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Tere Cabrera、Laura Morelos、Irasema Terrazas、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Juan Navarro 7399876 07:42
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2317165 02:24
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 5856470 06:05
Paulina Janczak、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Ida Nowakowska 2030077 02:06
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3068634 03:11
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Hartwig Rudolz、Anna Maria Kaufmann、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3552293 03:41
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、peter hofmann、Anna Maria Kaufmann 4099686 04:16
Paulina Janczak、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Damian Aleksander 6322964 06:35
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bengt Nordfors、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Martina Langas 2626091 02:44
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2009 Korean Cast、Yang Joonmo、Hong Kwangho、HyunJoo Choi、Andrew Lloyd Webber 10443188 10:52
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Hartwig Rudolz、Anna Maria Kaufmann、Andrew Lloyd Webber、peter hofmann 9972204 10:23
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 1333737 01:23
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2211421 02:18
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3310708 03:26
Marcin Mrozinski、Jakub Szydlowski、Wojciech Dmochowski、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Barbara Melzer、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Ida Nowakowska、Tomasz Jedz、Anna Sztejner 3524076 03:40
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bengt Nordfors、Elisabeth Berg、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 5459009 05:41
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Zoltán Miller、Sándor Sasvári、Andrew Lloyd Webber 11451315 11:55
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Juan Navarro 2539140 02:38
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3495374 03:38
Pamela Sanabria、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Jeff Martin 1711996 01:46
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Anna Maria Kaufmann、Andrew Lloyd Webber、peter hofmann 5646278 05:52
Bert-Åke Varg、Anette Stridh、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bengt Nordfors、Bjorn Haugan、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Martina Langas、Annika Bartler、Magnus Fagerberg 6425545 06:41
Marcin Mrozinski、Paulina Janczak、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 4203897 04:22
José Joel、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Irasema Terrazas、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3878323 04:02
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Irasema Terrazas、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3581568 03:43
Paulina Janczak、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2008 Polish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Damian Aleksander 4232314 04:24
Ilona Bencze、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Zoltán Barabás Kiss 972653 01:00
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Bengt Nordfors、Elisabeth Berg、Andrew Lloyd Webber 3392204 03:31
Monika Safar、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 4022057 04:11
Anette Stridh、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2032969 02:07
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2045908 02:07
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Mikael Samuelson、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2511552 02:36
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 2003 Hungarian Cast、Andrea Mahó、Judit Ladinek、Andrew Lloyd Webber 2325013 02:25
Anders Johnsson、"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1989 Swedish Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Annika Bartler 1039922 01:04
"The Phantom Of The Opera" 1990 German Cast、Andrew Lloyd Webber、Das Hamburger Ensemble 2049281 02:08