Hope,来自纽约的唱作女歌手,擅长吉他弹唱,嗓音清新,曲风以灵歌,流行为主。代表作《Love Love Love》。
Hope 2849451 02:58
Hope 4371245 04:33
Hope 3611793 03:45
Hope 2925084 03:02
Hope 3517750 03:39
Hope 3842508 04:00
Hope 4155974 04:19
Hope 4113784 04:17
Hope 3479310 03:37
Hope 2809737 02:55
Hope 3367313 03:30
Hope 4199028 04:22
Hope 4030588 04:11
MLF、Hope 4730686 04:55
MLF、Hope 3079747 03:12
MLF、Hope 5974532 06:13
MLF、Hope 5487610 05:42
Hope 2725333 02:50
Hope 3293300 03:25
hot mouth、NEZZO、Husman、Hope 3031332 03:09
hot mouth、NEZZO、Husman、Hope 3121165 03:15
Hope 2459073 02:33
Resco、Hope、fran nasty 4178849 04:21
Hope 3301503 03:26
Hope 1830475 01:54
Nasty Nyne、Hope、Eddie Brock 4785470 04:59
DANI、Hope 2444031 02:32
Sphectacula and DJ Naves、Beast、Hope、Leehleza 5893926 06:08
Sphectacula and DJ Naves、Beast、Hope、Leehleza 4106315 04:16
Hope 2478271 02:34
Kumasi、Raheem DeVaughn、Hope 4063729 04:13
Hope 3159979 03:17
Yxung Bxss、Hope 3014985 03:08
Yxung Bxss、Reubie、Hope 3192220 03:19
Hope、â STiva â、â STiva â 3881873 04:02
Hope 2545173 02:39
Hope 1895488 01:58
KAÏKO、GLO (RACAILLE GANG)、Hope 4088102 04:15
Hope 3072879 03:12
ADiss、IronKap、Hope 4177964 04:21
Hope、Marko、Treelas 3025650 03:09
Hope、Sensey 2896919 03:01
Hope 1731231 01:48
Hope 3062431 03:11
Hope 3941161 04:06
Poppa Sprinkle、Hope 3292568 03:25
Hope 2725973 02:50
Hope 3093983 03:13
Hope 3439224 03:34
Doobie、Hope、Mic Dreams 3679574 03:49
Guilty Pleasures、Hope 3511149 03:39
Hope 2110521 02:11
Mamarudegyal MTHC、Hope 7568448 07:52
Yxung Bxss、Hope、Ali Cross 2877037 02:59
Yxung Bxss、Hope、Ali Cross 2877067 02:59
Festus、Hope 3473080 03:37