The Isley Brothers
The Isley Brothers,成军于美国20世纪五十年代的The Isley Brothers,是史上少数能同时横跨流行音乐、灵魂歌曲、摩城音乐,甚至是乡土FUNK乐的先驱重量级团体。最初是由三位兄弟(小欧凯利、鲁道夫和罗纳德·艾斯礼)组成的合唱组合。他们被认为拥有众流行音乐人中最长、最有影响力、最多元的音乐生涯。冠军专辑的首发单曲《What Would You Do?》一出,理所当然成为热门电台点播单曲,更于Billboard R&B、Hip-hop、流行单曲榜上迅速窜升。这首单曲连同多数专辑金曲皆由节奏蓝调创作全才R.Kelly包办词曲创作、编曲、制作工作,更献声合声,烘托着Ronald Isley历久弥坚的诠释功力更添动感声韵。而老搭挡Tim And Bob、嘻哈大老Sonnp Dogg也分别援制作、嘻哈新声女将Lil’ Kim悍声应援专辑同名单曲《Body Kiss》。另外,于前作中担任合音的Johnson Sisters则正式收Ronald Isley旗下成军JS,献声一曲《Busted》,为专辑更添新意。而屹立于流行音乐潮流多年而历久弥新的Isley Brothers也正是以如此揉合古今旋律节奏声线的恢弘音乐观点,方能在音乐上屡创新格局、再攀高峰。
The Isley Brothers 3079881 03:12
The Isley Brothers 3725640 03:52
The Isley Brothers 3517496 03:39
The Isley Brothers 3600632 03:44
The Isley Brothers 2736344 02:50
The Isley Brothers 2231014 02:19
The Isley Brothers 3609017 03:45
The Isley Brothers 4855791 05:03
The Isley Brothers 3291776 03:25
The Isley Brothers 2166204 02:15
The Isley Brothers 4092158 04:15
The Isley Brothers 2502741 02:36
The Isley Brothers 2111897 02:11
The Isley Brothers 3389209 03:31
The Isley Brothers、Jimi Hendrix、Teacho Wilshire's Orchestra 6067153 06:19
The Isley Brothers 1909163 01:59
The Isley Brothers 1897080 01:58
The Isley Brothers 6186971 06:26
The Isley Brothers 4075070 04:14
The Isley Brothers 7312559 07:36
The Isley Brothers 2491782 02:35
The Isley Brothers 5812104 06:03
The Isley Brothers 1832683 01:54
The Isley Brothers 5494851 05:43
The Isley Brothers 4450777 04:38
The Isley Brothers 3488331 03:37
The Isley Brothers 2623485 02:43
The Isley Brothers 2929026 03:03
The Isley Brothers 1963512 02:02
The Isley Brothers 4505522 04:41
The Isley Brothers 4505572 04:41
The Isley Brothers 4584108 04:46
The Isley Brothers 6115112 06:22
The Isley Brothers 7156249 07:27
The Isley Brothers 1834798 01:54
The Isley Brothers 3602314 03:45
The Isley Brothers 4250183 04:25
The Isley Brothers 4662290 04:51
The Isley Brothers 8745312 09:06
The Isley Brothers 1818048 01:53
The Isley Brothers 10107841 10:31
The Isley Brothers 12559183 13:04
The Isley Brothers 3762400 03:55
The Isley Brothers 3131486 03:15
The Isley Brothers 2828291 02:56
The Isley Brothers 5975106 06:13
The Isley Brothers 5055620 05:15
The Isley Brothers 8486673 08:50
The Isley Brothers 2146140 02:14
The Isley Brothers 9970330 10:23
The Isley Brothers 7292477 07:35
The Isley Brothers 3795025 03:57
The Isley Brothers 3278807 03:24
The Isley Brothers 6250501 06:30
The Isley Brothers 4967397 05:10
The Isley Brothers 4524776 04:42