The Bird and the Bee
The bird and the bee是由一男一女,Greg Kurstin(bee)以及Inara George(bird)组成的乐队。其中的Kurstin是曾经与Lily Allen、Beck、Red Hot Chili Peppers一起合作过的一个键盘手以及音乐制作人。来自jazz厂牌Blue Note的小魔女系列声音The bird and the bee,这个名字是美国的一种儿童游戏(同时在一些欧美国家,The Bird and the Bee是对儿童早期性教育的一种惯例,就好像我们父母常说我们是从垃圾堆里捡来的),想必从音乐中也听出来那种返朴归真的状态吧。风格游走在Indie和jazz之间,迥然风格的擦边与碰撞引出了inara george这个声线亮丽的小女人。除此之外电子音色的大量介入,带来的是无穷尽的时尚元素,好似浮在了作品上的一层亮粉。随意的编曲,随意的歌词,事情都在顺其自然的中不停转动。声音在不同领域间跳来跳去,黯然而精怪。
The Bird and the Bee 3860514 04:01
The Bird and the Bee 3405031 03:32
The Bird and the Bee 3343533 03:28
The Bird and the Bee 2645647 02:45
The Bird and the Bee 3981606 04:08
The Bird and the Bee 2666473 02:46
The Bird and the Bee 3180153 03:18
The Bird and the Bee 2268158 02:21
The Bird and the Bee 3011687 03:08
The Bird and the Bee 3158827 03:17
The Bird and the Bee 1978174 02:03
The Bird and the Bee 3125608 03:15
The Bird and the Bee 3735911 03:53
The Bird and the Bee 4993648 05:12
The Bird and the Bee、MNDR 3476914 03:37
The Bird and the Bee 2556528 02:39
The Bird and the Bee 2959437 03:04
The Bird and the Bee 4027657 04:11
The Bird and the Bee、Jarond Gibbs 1404206 01:27
The Bird and the Bee 3241593 03:22
The Bird and the Bee 2671491 02:46
The Bird and the Bee 460049 00:28
The Bird and the Bee 154097 00:09
The Bird and the Bee 3323495 03:27
The Bird and the Bee 1525411 01:35
The Bird and the Bee 3442595 03:35
The Bird and the Bee 3325555 03:27
The Bird and the Bee、Dave Grohl 4036517 04:12
The Bird and the Bee 2582005 02:41
The Bird and the Bee 3202271 03:20
The Bird and the Bee 3182645 03:18
The Bird and the Bee 2389766 02:29
The Bird and the Bee 3780704 03:56
The Bird and the Bee 3067690 03:11
The Bird and the Bee 3011238 03:08
The Bird and the Bee 3483951 03:37
The Bird and the Bee 3908206 04:04
The Bird and the Bee 3091498 03:13
The Bird and the Bee 3459310 03:36
The Bird and the Bee 3147104 03:16
The Bird and the Bee 3188046 03:19
The Bird and the Bee 3472267 03:36
The Bird and the Bee 2953999 03:04
The Bird and the Bee 3977565 04:08
The Bird and the Bee 4212727 04:23
The Bird and the Bee 3937009 04:06
The Bird and the Bee 3124706 03:15
The Bird and the Bee 3652841 03:48
The Bird and the Bee 2403171 02:30
The Bird and the Bee 3239987 03:22