junior caldera
Really nothing predestined Junior Caldera to become one of the greatest French hopefuls in dance music. After studying at the conservatory and growing up with rough rock and metal sounds, this multi-instrument player discovered electronic music passed his twenties : he quite appreciated this new way of composing, mixing melodic creation and personal sampling. Junior Caldera then embarked on an extraordinary electro adventure, burning all the dancefloors where he played ! Junior was primarily notified in physical stores, his first independent maxi "Push” (2006) revealing him as an artist who was already deeply comfortable with fast BPM, and built to raise his listeners’ arms.
junior caldera、Yung Iverson、RK Wavy 1594392 01:39
junior caldera、Yung Iverson、RK Wavy 3121221 03:15
junior caldera 2470380 02:34
junior caldera、Jack Strify 5402046 05:37
junior caldera、Natalia Kills、Far East Movement 5032576 05:14
junior caldera、Sophie Ellis-Bextor 6611192 06:53
junior caldera、Audrey Lavergne 5828752 06:04
junior caldera、Jack Strify 5289169 05:30
junior caldera、Natalia Kills、Far East Movement 5403306 05:37
junior caldera、Elan 6728575 07:00
junior caldera、Sophie Ellis-Bextor 6396739 06:39
junior caldera、Billy Bryan 3547905 03:41
junior caldera、Vika Kova 3035477 03:09
junior caldera、Natalia Kills、Far East Movement 3040937 03:10
junior caldera、Sophie Ellis-Bextor 2882160 03:00
junior caldera、Audrey Lavergne 5372073 05:35
junior caldera、Billy Bryan 3212726 03:20
junior caldera、Elan 5841247 06:05
junior caldera、Kardinal Offishall 5072246 05:16
junior caldera、Kardinal Offishall 3384489 03:31
junior caldera、Jack Strify 3221513 03:21
Keely Pressly、junior caldera 3358608 03:29
junior caldera、RK Wavy、Yung Iverson 3672521 03:49
Trainer、junior caldera 2166744 02:15
RK Wavy、junior caldera 3378240 03:31
Yung Iverson、junior caldera、Skisia2、UnderAiki、RK Wavy 2724324 02:50
junior caldera 1457677 01:31
junior caldera 1909085 01:59
junior caldera、Skisia2、None LowFi 4256788 04:26
junior caldera 2100904 02:11
junior caldera 2153169 02:14
junior caldera、Akapellah、Palace 4213924 04:23
valencia、junior caldera 1921282 02:00
John Theis、junior caldera 2049181 02:08
junior caldera 2293190 02:23
junior caldera、John Theis、Dabeatzs 3761592 03:55
junior caldera、Oliwi、Afro Nigga、Klein 3758335 03:54
junior caldera、John Theis、Etervidos、Oliwi、Afro Nigga 4371343 04:33
junior caldera、Jeeiph、Trainer 2801876 02:55
junior caldera、KEVVO、Maiky Moves 3579772 03:43
Cauty、junior caldera、Razzer Buccarelli、Chris Andrew 3382895 03:31
Akapellah、Freddy Junior Caldera Soto、Roger Utrera、Santiago Aristizabal、Razzer Buccarelli、junior caldera、José Velásquez、Robert Eddison Aguilera、PEDRO ELIAS AQUINO、GABRIEL GUILLERMO PEREZ 3393265 03:32
junior caldera、Jeeiph、Trainer 3457256 03:36
Jeeiph、Akapellah、Trainer、junior caldera、Oliwi、Afro Nigga 3457604 03:36
Adso、junior caldera、Genius Music Beats 2835647 02:57
junior caldera、Oliver OutC 3155429 03:17
junior caldera 2677252 02:47
junior caldera、MARI 2409104 02:30
junior caldera 3324909 03:27
Kardinal Official、junior caldera 1418015 01:28
junior caldera 3665394 03:49
Maiky Moves、junior caldera 3057205 03:11
nicola fasano、Ken Roll、junior caldera 4490150 04:40
Yung Iverson、junior caldera 1956305 02:02
junior caldera 2188274 02:16
junior caldera 4196166 04:22