the king's singers
英国的「国王歌手合唱团」(The King's Singers),可说是全世界最令人惊奇的歌唱团队之一,六个人、六张嘴巴,几乎从来不用任何乐器伴奏,但是他们所演出的和声效果却无比的丰富。六个人唱的深沉辽阔,波澜起伏,哀而不伤、内含力量。他们唱出了独特而深刻的理解。他们的合唱技艺尤其震撼,人声模仿各种乐器,惟妙惟肖,使人不敢相信自己的耳朵。合唱讲究站位,他们的录音有强烈的定位感、空间感。他们音域宽广,不同声部层次分明,堪称人声试机极品。除了歌唱,他们还经常以双手和口技模拟出各种乐器的声音,带来让人难以置信的有趣效果,而他们演唱的曲目,范围更是宽广,从蒙台威尔第的牧歌、罗西尼歌剧的序曲、史特劳斯的圆舞曲、宗教歌曲、歌剧名曲,到法国香颂、各国民谣、电影配乐、甚至披头与「皇后」(Queen)合唱团的流行经典等等,几乎无所不包。在过去这将近四十年来,他们表演的足迹遍及全球,所到之处,无不深获喜爱与推崇。
the king's singers 2443203 02:32
the king's singers 3252876 03:23
the king's singers 2624145 02:43
the king's singers 3330572 03:28
Daryl Runswick、the king's singers 2768849 02:53
the king's singers 6386833 06:39
the king's singers 2921856 03:02
the king's singers 3276643 03:24
the king's singers 2477956 02:34
the king's singers 3624382 03:46
the king's singers 2859124 02:58
the king's singers 2411369 02:30
the king's singers 3295872 03:25
the king's singers 2760086 02:52
the king's singers 2864474 02:58
the king's singers 2986600 03:06
the king's singers 2218300 02:18
the king's singers 2528049 02:37
the king's singers 1186414 01:14
the king's singers 2994523 03:07
the king's singers 1819608 01:53
the king's singers 3054319 03:10
the king's singers 3484377 03:37
the king's singers 5295804 05:30
the king's singers 3030621 03:09
the king's singers 7542397 07:51
the king's singers 3895245 04:03
the king's singers 4018535 04:11
the king's singers 4979007 05:11
the king's singers 4689388 04:53
the king's singers 4130542 04:18
the king's singers 2979495 03:06
the king's singers 3261191 03:23
the king's singers 3933719 04:05
the king's singers 3780282 03:56
The King's Singers、Jeremy Jackman、Alastair Hume、Robert Chilcott、Anthony Holt、Simon Carrington、Colin Mason 2411369 02:30
The King's Singers、Jeremy Jackman、Alastair Hume、Anthony Holt、Simon Carrington、Robert Chilcott、Colin Mason 2443203 02:32
The King's Singers、Colin Mason、Anthony Holt、Simon Carrington、Jeremy Jackman、Alastair Hume、Robert Chilcott 2990914 03:06
the king's singers、English Chamber Orchestra、carl davis 4306856 04:29
the king's singers、English Chamber Orchestra、carl davis 5257452 05:28
the king's singers 3196463 03:19
the king's singers 2187928 02:16
the king's singers 3037571 03:09
the king's singers 3442272 03:35
the king's singers 2321285 02:25
the king's singers 3148026 03:16
the king's singers 2418679 02:31
the king's singers 2995031 03:07
the king's singers 3264418 03:24
the king's singers、city of london sinfonia、Richard Hickox 2241823 02:20
the king's singers 3736457 03:53
the king's singers 3721866 03:52
the king's singers 3290972 03:25
the king's singers 3323943 03:27
the king's singers 1723662 01:47
the king's singers 2721749 02:50