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◎化小爱为大爱,阳光大卫为传宗教福音暂别歌坛,离情依依特别企划翻唱抒情经典特辑 ◎9700万人次直选2008年第七届 American Idol超人气亚军,六座Teen Choice Award荣耀加冕 ◎精心挑选九首抒情经典重新诠释,包括克莉丝汀〈Beautiful〉、U2〈Pride (In The Name of Love)〉、基音乐团〈Somewhere Only We Know〉、R.E.M乐团〈Everybody Hurts〉、莎拉克劳克兰〈Angel〉等,再加一首最新原创单曲 充满阳光的活力气息,青春洋溢的邻家男孩David Archuleta,自美国偶像歌唱比赛夺取第七届亚军出道后,迅速掳获国际粉丝芳心,并且全面沦陷Teen Choice Award六项奖座!分别受邀参加高收视率偶像剧《iCarly》、《Hannah Montana》演出,足以显示在青少年乐迷心目中地位。不仅于全球发行两张专辑、一张圣诞节特典,更在菲律宾独家问市《Forevermore》作品。大卫一再利用他宽频声韵征服数以万计的双耳,还有那招牌笑容杀光各相机记忆卡容量!   从小崭露精湛歌唱实力,于大小比赛中拿下优异成绩,直到「美国偶像 American Idol」崭露头角,抢先「美国偶像」大本营19 Recordings / RCA Records唱片公司将大卫签入Jive Records旗下。2008年底发行暖身单曲〈Crush〉,火速窜升数位下载榜冠军,同时写出告示牌2008年首週进榜亚军的最高纪录,空降亚军的同名专辑《David Archuleta》于全球累积近百万销售量。隔年在圣诞时节推出应景特典《Christmas From The Heart》,在美国亚马逊网站的预购消息一出,才两天时间,即冲上热门专辑榜第七名位置,空降告示牌节庆榜亚军。趁胜追击的《The Other Side Of Down》,也登记Top13席次。随后还在iTunes推出《Four For The Fans》EP,引起热烈下载人潮!   全新大碟《Begin》,特别挑选9首经典歌谣重新诠释,外加1支原创新曲。不分种族、性别的美丽之歌〈Beautiful〉,入选滚石杂志和VH1频道「2000年代热门/经典百大歌曲」名单,替精灵歌姬Christina Aguilera拿下葛莱美「最佳流行女歌手」加冕,大卫版本配置磅礡弦乐撼动人心;英国金榜季军的〈Somewhere Only We Know〉,保留Keane乐团最擅长的Piano Rock元素;娱乐大亨Simon Cowell号召英美红牌歌手,援助海地联手录製 R.E.M 的经典名曲〈Everybody Hurts〉,大卫同样传达那股坚持、努力的正面气息;原为Peter Gabriel和Kate Bush两位才子佳人合唱之〈Don’t Give Up〉,请到独立界民谣女声Libbie Linton帮腔;葛莱美钢琴女伶Sarah McLachlan令『X情人』影迷感动落泪的〈Angel〉,再度回味属于真挚的暖度;还有选进滚石杂志「史上500首经典名曲」,拿下葛莱美「年度歌曲」,诗人民谣二重唱Simon & Garfunkel的〈Bridge Over Troubled Water〉;百变天后Cyndi Lauper提名葛莱美「最佳流行女歌手」的冠军曲〈True Colors〉;爱尔兰摇滚天团U2,入籍滚石杂志「史上500首经典名曲」的〈Pride (In The Name of Love)〉…等曲目,都是精心挑选、用心演绎。最后舒缓动人的〈Broken〉,体验大卫真假音漂亮转换,以及散发古典的气质氛围! by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Once the reigning king of American Idol, David Archuleta now finds himself on independent labels with LDS connections only a mere four years after leaving the show. It may seem a fall from grace for a singer who once savored pop culture omnipresence, but Archuleta always seemed destined for such modest pastures. At his core, Archuleta is impossibly polite and utterly lacking in sex appeal, things that ultimately hinder a singer's ascension up the pop charts, but he does have skill and a vanilla charisma, two gifts on display on 2012's Begin. A collection of covers of songs that either are or could be inspirational staples on American Idol or The X Factor or The Voice -- Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful," R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts," Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors," Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" -- punctuated by one forgettable new original, a duet with Libbie Linton (described on her press bio as "a mid-mannered, soft-spoken type who likes math and limeade," thereby lending an element of danger to David) and a version of U2's "Pride (In the Name of Love)" where a gently rippling synth replaces the Edge's surging guitars. Throughout it all, Archuleta performs with a professional aplomb exuding sincerity, yet manages to skirt any deep emotion. It is an album not meant to surprise, it is meant to comfort, meant to please those already pledging allegiance to Archuleta's sugary ways...it is an album that is meant to be released on a small label which knows precisely how to deliver to a preordained audience of the devoted.
