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My Private Nation

My Private Nation

★3座葛莱美奖肯定,加州清新摇滚团前两张破百万专辑超值中价系列 ★一次拥有木星之泪/私有国度两张经典专辑,收录葛莱美「最佳摇滚歌曲」Drops Of Jupiter、Calling All Angels、Save The Day等多首精彩好歌 追随者乐团的摇滚,是如此轻松惬意、自在舒坦,自1998年乐团成立以来,他们的音乐让我们像是坐上他们驶向摇滚国度的列车,一路有民谣、蓝调、流行、放客、灵魂、另类...。 擅用口琴、曼陀林、萨克斯风、颤片琴、喇叭、打击乐器等多元编曲,追随者乐团的风格平易,除了在商业上获得乐迷的肯定,也在专业乐评中,赢得极佳好评,出道至今已在全球累绩超过千万销售,缔造10首成人抒情榜Top10单曲,更在2012年再下一城抱回葛莱美奖「最佳流行重唱/团体」肯定。【巨星双碟中价系列(木星之泪/私有国度)】将追随者乐团前两张专辑合而为一,中价供应,让您轻松拥有,’徜徉在这支优秀的摇滚乐团的美妙音符里。 Following a hit is a tough thing for any band, and for Train, a cult band that literally came out of nowhere to land a monster single like "Drops of Jupiter" and a platinum album to boot, the pressure to deliver something "more" from label execs is intense. In addition, usually when a band decides to scrap its plans for one album and go back to the drawing board and do something else, it doesn't bode well for the finished product. Train has turned the tables on the redo jinx. Creatively, My Private Nation, Train's third album, is the moment this band has worked for since it started making records. Bringing Brendan O'Brien back on board as producer (perhaps the best rock producer out there right now) and as a co-writer on three songs, Train has upped the aesthetic ante by stripping away any notion that it has to prove that it is "sincere" as a band. The songs speak for themselves. The opening track, "Calling All Angels," which also serves as the first single, is the one song the Counting Crows wish they could still write. It's a huge rock song that signifies what the rest of the album elaborates on. Guitars, drums, backwards tracking of keyboards, and a huge chorus make it an anthem. But it's not so much how hooky and beautiful the tune is -- and is it ever -- as what it says: That in a time of great confusion, loss, and disorientation, one does not call for redemption, but asks for a sign of inspiration, for the courage to not surrender to despair. It's a tome about hope against the odds, acknowledging vulnerability, and accepting responsibility to remain focused and critical enough to win one's own redemption in everyday life, in order to become a better human being. ... Read More...


