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Turn On The Lights

Turn On The Lights

Track 1-13 为日本版的曲目顺序,美版2首歌在日版中曲目名略有不同crazy变为crazy all my life,birthday suit变为birthday suits。 在阴晴不定的Bad Day坏天气,是谁的歌声一直温暖着你? 创下台湾西洋歌曲数位下载记录, 最受欢迎的汽车广告曲代言人 城市琴人丹尼尔 ─ 2012最新专辑 留一盏灯 Daniel Powter ─ Turn On The Light 2012年破茧而出全新创作大碟,首支单曲「Cupid」再度重回英美单曲排行,2012年12月15日即将再度来台开唱,让今年耶诞更加浪漫! ▓首支单曲「BAD DAY」创下台湾电信史上,西洋歌曲手机铃声下载冠军最长纪录! ▓连续两首千万汽车广告曲「WHOLE WORLD AROUND」 + 「FREE LOOP」感动全台湾乐迷,荣登No.1西洋广告曲天王! 以一首「Bad Day」赶走全球350万人心中的坏天气、勇夺2006告示牌杂志热门单曲榜年终冠军、缔造全美史上最畅销数位单曲纪录的「城市琴人」丹尼尔 (Daniel Powter),除了有着过人的创作才华之外,其在R & B的节奏掌控以及灵魂乐的假音唱腔上面,也都有着令人赞叹的诠释能力,他以一首接着一首感动人心的畅销单曲,顺利地让专辑在全球累积出280万张的傲人销售成绩,更荣获全英音乐奖、 MTV欧洲音乐大奖,以及葛莱美「最佳流行男歌手」奖项的提名殊荣,并赢回一座加拿大朱诺(Juno)奖「最佳新人」的头衔。而这股城市琴人热潮,更是迅速地从全球延烧至台湾地区,丹尼尔除了是本地有史以来西洋男歌手首张专辑销售最高纪录的保持人之外,他在数位音乐方面的表现更是令人讚叹,他以同名专辑及单曲「Bad Day」拿下KK BOX年度西洋专辑/单曲双冠王的宝座,更是全台史上最畅销西洋男歌手来电答铃的冠军新人王。 随着同名专辑的广受热烈欢迎,丹尼尔也开始踏上世界巡迴旅程,并在全球造成不可思议的旋风,丹尼尔也数度来到台湾,在 2006年来台参加Simple Life简单生活节演出,2008以金曲奖佳宾出席演唱,及2009 年则以情人节大使的身份来台献唱。2010年丹尼尔特地整理出这几年的音乐作品,推出【最好的我 2010全新新歌+最最精选】收录这些年丹尼尔令人过耳不忘的旋律,完整展现出丹尼尔对流行音乐创作的无比热情。 2012 年 Daniel Powter 决定改头换面,脱下了常年盘踞头顶的各式帽物,并推出了充满活力、融合动听及流行抒情元素的全新大碟「Turn On The Lights」,对他而言,这张专辑是沉潜期间各种心绪的纪录与反刍,首支单曲 Cupid 表达即使个性不同也要真心爱人的体会,制作人是曾经手 Kelly Clarkson、Daughtry、3 Doors Down 等大牌作品的 Howard Benson,首支单曲 Cupid 已成功回归英国单曲榜,且已在全美 Adult Top 40 榜内攻城略地。 亚洲版封面 Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Daniel Powter is set to announce his return to the international music scene with his stunning new album ‘Turn On The Lights’ on 16th July. Kicking off with lead single ‘Cupid’ it’s immediately obvious that Canadian born Powter is an artist reenergized. A hook-laden and eternally optimistic view on love that floats along on a dreamy, strummy guitar, ‘Cupid’ is destined to be a mainstay on the mainstream radio as the summer months kick in. Already climbing the Hot AC Airplays charts in the US and currently one of the 40 most played tracks with an audience of over 3 million people, its uncynical, universal theme is certainly striking a chord with a huge audience already. Powter first came to prominence in 2006, when his Grammy nominated international hit ‘Bad Day’ became the most played track of the year on the US Billboard Hot 100 tracks of the year. It hit #1 in the US and Ireland, and was a top 10 hit across the world including UK, Australia, France, Italy and Sweden. However, such international success isn’t anything you can prepare yourself for and as the record sales and the accolades rolled in, Powter, began to feeling increasingly uneasy with his newfound stardom. The pressures associated with having the biggest selling song of the year pushed Daniel in a spiral of drink and drug abuse, and with superstar status within his grasp and half a million albums sales in the UK alone under his belt, it all slipped away. Now clean, having moved to Los Angeles and settled down with his young family, Daniel is revitalized, and ready to reintroduce himself back into the public’ consciousness. ‘Turn On The Lights’ is an album bursting with heartfelt ballads, anthemic rockers, and lyrics that cover life, love and everything else in between. Produced by veteran hitmaker Howard Benson (Kelly Clarkson, Gavin DeGraw, All-American Rejects) at his Bay 7 Studios in Los Angeles, ‘Turn on the Lights’ catches Powter in a soulful, irresistibly uplifting mood. ‘The Day We Never Met’ examines a relationship in reverse, whereas on ‘Come Home’ Powter ponders the necessity of friendship during the hard times. With those times now behind him, this comeback album stands apart from trends and fads as a fine example of classic song writing, from an artist ready to once again show the world exactly what he’s got to offer. ‘Turn On The Lights’ is released by International Solutions / Avex Management Inc. / EMI on 16th July.


