瑜伽冥想,促眠音乐 (Yoga meditation, sleep promoting music)
国际瑜伽日,为每年的6月21日。国际瑜伽日于2014年12月11日由联合国第69/131号决议宣布设立,瑜伽实现了思想与行动的和谐统一,瑜伽象征着世界和平运动 冥想是瑜伽重要组成部份,追求人身体,思想,心理和谐统一健康 瑜伽冥想更是促眠音乐的重要组成部份,主要围绕着大自然演奏的纯音乐为主,让人感受大自然的美好境界,追求正义健康和平的世界! 本专辑共12首曲子 1、热爱自己 2、风和日丽 3、热爱生活 4、格局大爱 5、慈悲为怀 6、感恩世界 7、安详和平 8、勇敢正义 9、午夜河流 10、午夜海浪 11、午夜雨声 12、夏日蝉鸣 International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st every year. International Yoga Day was declared on December 11, 2014 by United Nations Resolution 69/131. Yoga achieves the harmonious unity of thought and action, and symbolizes the movement for world peace Meditation is an important component of yoga, pursuing the harmony, unity, and health of the body, mind, and mind Yoga meditation is an important component of sleep promoting music, mainly focusing on pure music played by nature, allowing people to experience the beautiful realm of nature and pursue a just, healthy, and peaceful world! This album consists of 12 songs in total 1. Love oneself 2. The wind and sun are beautiful 3. Love life 4. Pattern Love 5. Compassion is in one's heart 6. Grateful World 7. Peace and tranquility 8. Brave and just 9. Midnight River 10. Midnight waves 11. Midnight rain 12. Cicada chirping in summer
厚土小姐团队、厚土小姐 2145191 02:14
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厚土小姐团队、厚土小姐 3898545 04:03