The Hunting Party
• 拥有5张全美冠军专辑,破1亿4千万YouTube点播浏览次数,囊括2座葛莱美奖+5座全美音乐奖+4座MTV音乐奖+9座MTV欧洲音乐奖…等无数奖项得主! • 找寻出道时期的初衷,猎捕摇滚自身所蕴藏的能量与灵魂核心,直捣Nu-Metal本质的表态,吸收90年代Hardcore/Punk/Thrash养分,呈现一张愤怒且音量爆炸之作! • 收录蝉联告示牌主流摇滚榜3周冠军的「Guilty All The Same」,全英摇滚榜冠军+6国iTunes榜冠军的超级抒情摇滚劲曲「Until It's Gone」! • 邀来Nu-Metal三大代表乐团Helmet、System Of A Down和Rage Against The Machine团员情义力挺! 引发乐坛巨大连锁反应,合并嘻哈饶舌与摇滚霸气,彻底改造摇滚机制、打破乐团传统配置,不断演变再进化,成为摇滚乐界的变形金刚,本世纪最伟大的摇滚天团—联合公园(Linkin Park),至今已缔造5张告示牌冠军专辑,创下全球逾5500万张专辑销售,拥有2座葛莱美奖肯定,名列告示牌【2000年代最佳排行艺人】、MTV2【音乐录像带时代最佳乐团】+【千禧年最佳乐团】名单,更突破1亿4千万YouTube点播浏览次数,赢得6200万个脸书粉丝追随成为全球乐团之最,而他们的传奇记录还在快速累积!除了“Hybrid Theory”、“Meteora”、 “Minutes To Midnight”、 “A Thousand Suns”、 “Living Things”等5张正规专辑之外,跟饶舌至尊Jay-Z合作的“Collision Course”、突破乐派籓篱的创意双碟“Reanimation”和“Recharged”,更将混种音魔的实验精神发挥到淋漓尽致! 2014年6月,联合公园祭出第6张全新创作录音室专辑“The Hunting Party”,首度不假其他制作人之手,由团员首脑之一的Mike Shinoda与吉他手Brad Delson联合肩负操盘大任。Mike原本要延续“A Thousand Suns”、 “Living Things”这两张作品的实验和电子概念走向,经过反复聆听和思考,最后将做好的Demo全部砍掉重制,企图找寻出道时期的初衷,直捣怒金属本质的表态,饱满吸收90年代Hardcore/Punk/Thrash风格养分,呈现一张愤怒且音量爆炸之作。Brad则认为“The Hunting Party”可说是【另类版的Hybrid Theory】或是【Hybrid Theory前传】,添入更多现代摇滚所缺少的吉他Solo桥段。“The Hunting Party”不仅要其独特性与时下乐团区隔,更将猎捕摇滚自身所蕴藏的「能量」与「灵魂」核心! Chester疯狂吼出「Keys To The Kingdom」惊天动地的崩溃嗓音,保证喂饱吃惯重口味的摇滚客,Mike也恢复大量饶舌搭腔,过瘾度毫不输「One Step Closer」;90年代打造新金属蓝图的先锋Helmet主唱/吉他手Page Hamilton站台「All For Nothing」,重击猛拍凝聚旋律性布局;首波曝光之作「Guilty All The Same」,除了强调慎密的编曲架构,透着Hard Rock的厚实骨干、重现Nu-Metal的精彩度之外,Mike还找来The Source票选【史上最顶尖50位创作者】冠军,同时是80年代极具影响力之Eric B. & Rakim双人组的Rakim相互飙饶,已蝉联告示牌主流摇滚榜3周冠军;野性不羁的「War」,浓烈呛鼻的Hardcore Punk气息弥漫整曲,Chester大秀Screamo式的腔调,让短小精干的2分11秒之歌爽翻至极!率先登顶英国摇滚榜+6国iTunes榜冠军的「Until It's Gone」,献上一支上乘的超级抒情摇滚劲曲,势必能于国际排行再掀狂潮;入列吉他世界杂志【史上经典百大吉他手】名单的System Of A Down第二主唱/吉他手Daron Malakian助阵「Rebellion」,齐力大搞凶猛破坏之能事;纯音乐演奏的「Drawbar」,祭出兼任Rage Against The Machine和Audioslave吉他手Tom Morello阵容,弥漫一股诡谲气氛,鼓噪窜动的波纹不时牵引情绪;顺畅旋律溢于「Final Masquerade」,动听度满点。掌声给予联合公园重磅回归的决心,于新世代摇滚范畴中,发酵出无比胆识与气魄,以及过人的撼动力! The Hunting Party is the upcoming sixth studio album by the American rock band Linkin Park. The album, self-produced by band members Mike Shinoda and Brad Delson, will be released by Warner Bros. Records in Friday-release countries on June 13, 2014 and in North America on June 17, 2014. The album is the first since Meteora not to be produced with Rick Rubin, after producing the band's previous three studio albums. The Hunting Party is a departure from the band's recent electronic rock sound of their previous two studio albums. The album, described by Mike Shinoda as simply "a rock record", serves a statement by the band against contemporary mainstream and active rock bands, accused by Shinoda as "trying to be other bands and playing it safe". Packaged by an artwork by Brandon Parvini based off an original drawing by James Jean, the album took under a year to record and produce, with material being improvisationally written in the studio by members of the band. The album also features guest appearances from Page Hamilton of Helmet, Rakim, Daron Malakian of System of a Down, and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine. These are the band's first featured musicians on a studio album.
Linkin Park 3473497 03:37
Linkin Park、Page Hamilton 3409150 03:33
Linkin Park、Rakim 5683299 05:55
Linkin Park 985381 01:01
Linkin Park 2103829 02:11
Linkin Park 3109446 03:14
Linkin Park 3733255 03:53
Linkin Park、Daron Malakian 3588085 03:44
Linkin Park 4869477 05:04
Linkin Park、Tom Morello 2673009 02:47
Linkin Park 3483816 03:37
Linkin Park 6322232 06:35
Linkin Park 3563364 03:42
Linkin Park 3794511 03:57
Linkin Park 3160189 03:17
Linkin Park 3804682 03:57
Linkin Park 3499578 03:38
Linkin Park、Page Hamilton 3421020 03:33
Linkin Park、Rakim 5659073 05:53
Linkin Park 2099979 02:11
Linkin Park 3136780 03:15
Linkin Park 3734467 03:53
Linkin Park 3588065 03:44
Linkin Park 3838118 03:59
Linkin Park 3484528 03:37
Linkin Park 6323360 06:35
Linkin Park 3339087 03:28
Linkin Park、Page Hamilton 3110869 03:14
Linkin Park 5673808 05:54
Linkin Park 968166 01:00
Linkin Park 2003691 02:05
Linkin Park 3170640 03:18
Linkin Park 3540949 03:41
Linkin Park、Daron Malakian 3604504 03:45
Linkin Park 4834709 05:02
Linkin Park 2673009 02:47
Linkin Park 3527165 03:40
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Linkin Park 4900989 05:06