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All You Need Is Now

All You Need Is Now

最新大碟《All You Need Is Now》邀来当今炙手可热的制作天王Mark Ronson操盘,特别采用多种类比合成器,舍弃数位的冰冷质感,让整张专辑更具丰润色泽!Ronson本身即是Duran Duran的歌迷,此番决心承袭经典专辑《Rio》风格精神,兼具流行时尚与Roxy Music式艺术摇滚实验能量,打造出新世代的华丽青春派对曲!首支同名单曲〈All You Need Is Now〉令人振奋的鼓击与流离synth粒子逼似乐团代表作〈The Wild Boys〉,宣告Duran Duran依旧宝刀未老!MV则是请到曾为Vivienne Westwood旗下重要设计师的老伙伴Nick Egan执导,磅礴弦乐交织流利运镜手法,完全展现一线天团气势!邀得Scissor Sisters主唱Ana Matronic帮腔的〈Safe (In the Heat of the Moment)〉,搭上Disco与Funk律动舞力全开;长达六分钟的史诗曲〈The Man Who Stole a Leopard〉歌词取材自经典名片《蝴蝶春梦》,由R&B女将Kelis担任和声,是首充分发挥Duran Duran创意与编曲才华的佳作!而这张国际版更加收数位版首发时遗漏的七首精彩曲目,绝对值得乐迷珍藏聆赏!在潮流瞬息万变的西洋乐界,Duran Duran四名团员一路走来义气相挺,不改音乐初衷,这张专辑便是最好的证明! Produced by Mark Ronson, the album was recorded at the Sphere Studios in London, UK between February and August 2010. Duranduran.com first announced the name of the album on the 27 September which includes "All You Need Is Now", the first single released from All You Need Is Now which Mark Ronson described as one of his favorite Duran Duran songs of all time. During an interview on The One Show (17 November 2010) broadcast in the UK, Simon Le Bon said that Ronson wanted to make the follow up album to Rio. Clunie Reid created the cover artwork using photographs shot by Nick, after he discovered her work at the Saatchi Gallery. John Taylor added (on Katy's Kafe ) that the tracks on the album 'will make for great live music'. On 14 October 2010 Roger Taylor posted a blog on the band's official website which stated, "starting to hear final mixes coming back for our new album at the hands of the one and only Mark ‘Spike’ Stent." In November Roger Dekker photographed Duran Duran modelling shirts made especially for them by Katharine Hamnett in London for the album packaging.
