Tim's Bio
缔造妮莉费塔朵与贾斯汀两人音乐事业第一支冠军作品的幕后推手 1998年跃入全美专辑榜TOP41+获颁金唱片个人首张大作 请到蜜西艾莉特、路达克里斯、艾莉亚、杰斯…等巨星合作 从创作才女摇身一变火辣靓女,缔造Nelly Furtado/妮莉费塔朵音乐事业第一支冠军单曲“Promiscuous”;从偶像团体变身成熟性感型男,夺下Justin Timberlake/贾斯汀个人单飞第一支冠军作品“Sexy Back”;他们的幕后推手都是这位黑人大块头Timbaland,Nelly Furtado协同Justin感恩回馈与Timbaland三人快乐和鸣的“Give It To Me”,又再次双双夺下英美两地排行冠军。 已在乐坛打滚十余年,Timbaland受到嘻哈界同大只‘重’量级人物Missy Elliott/蜜西艾莉特提拔,开始在乐坛中活跃,从事幕后制作/撰写工作,与饶舌歌手兼工作伙伴Magoo以二人组型式推出过三张专辑,却都没有太出色的成绩,虽然Timbaland的名字时常出现在一些知名歌手的合作名单中,似乎都是呈现很忙碌有点红,但又没有顶红的状况。 1997年就已和好兄弟Magoo共同推出过首张专辑『Welcome To Our World』,但是创作力旺盛的Timbaland,翌年打铁趁热的端出个人首张大作【Tim’s Bio】,得到全美专辑榜Top41,获颁金唱片一枚。有着纽约街头诗人之称的东岸饶舌高手Nas,以他霸气十足的说唱调性助阵于“To My”之中;Timbaland协同蜜西艾莉特与Magoo三人,特别在“Here We Come”重拾昔日之情携手合作;浓厚放克音符包裹之“Lobster & Scrimp”,请到东岸饶舌界天王Jay-Z/杰斯帮腔;当时还是位新人准备问世个人专辑的Ludacris/路达克里斯,现已成为天王天后们极力邀请与之合作的对象,“Fat Rabbit”有他精湛饶舌技艺;被赞誉将嘻哈音乐传奇延续传承下去的接班人Twista,秀出一口快嘴饶舌功力于“Who Am I”里头;永远的节奏蓝调小公主Aaliyah/艾莉亚,留下生前最动人之音在“John Blaze”中。此张专辑提供Timbaland完全发挥玩乐的空间,与之合作的歌手,在现今歌坛中都已是赫赫有名的巨星级人物,更可窥见这群人马的不凡身手。 Timbaland, the producer most responsible for the sound of hip-hop circa the late '90s, finally released his proper solo debut (after a 1997 LP recorded as Timbaland & Magoo) in late 1998. It's not quite the personal statement implied in the title, but it is full of excellent productions. He spoofs the hip-hop fad of sampling '80s pop by rewiring familiar themes, like those of Spiderman and I Dream of Jeanie, into barely recognizable forms. Timbaland regulars like Missy Elliott and Magoo contribute tracks, though the best songs here feature multi-platinum rappers like Nas ("To My") and Jay-Z ("Lobster & Scrimp"). Though his trademark style of stuttered beats and obtuse samples is probably best witnessed on singles by Missy Elliott and Aaliyah, Tim's Bio is a solid introduction to the talents of hip-hop's best young producer of the late '90s.
Timbaland、T.K. Kirkland 1099052 01:08
Timbaland、Bassey 4506685 04:41
Timbaland、Nas、Mad Skillz、Static 3593716 03:44
Timbaland、Magoo、Missy Elliott 4184859 04:21
Timbaland、Babe Blue 4338878 04:31
Timbaland、1 Life 2 Live 4241283 04:25
Timbaland、Lil' Man、Static、Magoo 4377974 04:33
Timbaland、Missy Elliott、Lil' Man 4878269 05:04
Timbaland 3613927 03:45
Timbaland 3841292 04:00
Timbaland 3347293 03:29