Three Hearts
"Three Hearts" is the upcoming second studio album by British singer-songwriter Alex Clare. It’s scheduled to be released on digital retailers on Aug 08, 2014 via Universal Island Records. It comes preceded by the upcoming lead single ‘War Rages On‘, which will go on sale in iTunes on July 13. Alongside the pre-order of the album, Clare released the track ‘Just a Man‘ as the first promotional / countdow single on iTunes on May 27th.
Alex Clare 4247553 04:25
Alex Clare 4212436 04:23
Alex Clare 3762296 03:55
Alex Clare 2977783 03:06
Alex Clare 4134274 04:18
Alex Clare 3993420 04:09
Alex Clare 2851559 02:58
Alex Clare 3160839 03:17
Alex Clare 3768564 03:55
Alex Clare 3683720 03:50
Alex Clare 3919019 04:04
Alex Clare 4171472 04:20
Alex Clare 4238776 04:24