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I Am Me

I Am Me

Ashlee Simpson又长大了一岁,她的第二张个人专辑也随之发行,这张专辑虽然首周销量较去年出道之时明显下降,但是也要比她那“最不适合唱歌”的姐姐要好很多,首周仍旧以22万张的销量勇夺Billboard 200排行榜冠军,——一个她姐姐Jessica Simpson难以企及的位置。 进入了20岁,Ashlee Simpson的自主意识似乎凸现出来,不再像第一张专辑一样,处处充满着模仿他人的杂糅痕迹。从专辑标题上,“I Am Me”“我就是我”的宣言充满了自我个性,这些也体现在了她的歌词中。从个人形象上,Ashlee Simpson的头发颜色不再是首张专辑时期做作的黑色,而改回了原汁原味的金色。但是这只是表面现象,尽管在这张专辑中,Ashlee Simpson和首张专辑一样亲自参与了专辑中歌曲的创作,整体风格也仍然是以时下流行的带有流行摇滚曲风为主,可见的成长隐约体现在歌词中,至少不像第一张那样“像只小猫一样在地板上打滚”,不过Ashlee Simpson仍然习惯“独舞”。 在专辑的录制中,John Shanks依然是主导,除了身兼专辑制作人之外,他还和Kara DioGuardi一起担任了专辑中所有单曲的创作。多少让人有些失望的是经历了一系列“假唱”丑闻之后,Ashlee Simpson在这张专辑里也并没有伺机展示自己的唱功,充分的音效包装和流行摇滚曲风掩盖了Ashlee Simpson的声线。不过专辑中仍然不乏听起来感觉很不错的摇滚女生单曲,《Boyfriend》可以让Ashlee Simpson与主要的竞争对手Lindsay Lohan等人掰一下手腕,《I Am Me》或许是Ashlee Simpson最能体现自身个性态度的一首歌,不过似乎这种自我中心主义的张扬个性在现代生活中太俗了一点,就像普通的平凡女孩一样。相对于专辑的歌曲,这张专辑的封面摄影可算作一个亮点,因为它让Ashlee Simpson看起来叛逆了一些,这比她歌曲里呜哩呜啦的歌词表现力要直接很多。 I Am Me is the second studio album by singer Ashlee Simpson. The first single from the album was "Boyfriend", and the second single was "L.O.V.E." I Am Me was released in the United States on October 18, 2005 (see 2005 in music) and debuted at number one in sales. The album produced two top 25 hits on the Billboard Hot 100. Simpson worked with John Shanks and Kara DioGuardi on this album, as she did on her first album, 2004's Autobiography. Shanks produced the album, and Simpson co-wrote all the songs with Shanks and DioGuardi. On December 15, I Am Me was certified Platinum by the RIAA for its shipments of over one million copies in the U.S. (as of April 2008, it had sold 987,000 copies). A new single from Simpson, "Invisible", was reportedly going to be included on a re-release of I Am Me in mid-2006, but was canceled. The song was later included as in international bonus track on Simpson's next album, Bittersweet World.
