![Cooking Music](http://imge.kugou.com/stdmusic/400/20150717/20150717162925395701.jpg)
Cooking Music
《慢煮·快活》中英对照食谱随书附赠 原创音乐专辑《Cooking Music》 All songs written,performed,arranged and produced by Chet Lam except "Scent" produced by Alex Fung & Chet Lam,featuring Shin Wong.“Ami Ami” features Eman Lam. 慢煮快活 - 旅行/食物/音乐三合一案子 两年前开始,我在厨房的时间比旅行还多,开始构思一个案子:一个结合旅行、煮食跟音乐的旅程;经过两年的筹备,《Slow Food in Asia's Fast Cities》就是一个结合旅游,食物,音乐的project。慢煮其实不是指时间上的慢,而是采用新鲜的地道优质食材,无添加的做菜,对快餐说不。 旅游 这个想法已经存在一阵子,现在终于筹备得七七八八;在两年来走访的五个东南亚国家里,我开始做了一件三十多年来没有做过的事:去当地市场拍照、尝味。在吃喝玩乐之外,我决定寻找更多-怎样把味道带回香港,而最好的办法,就是学做菜。 我绝对不是厨师,但我喜欢研究,而《Slow Food in Asia's Fast Cities》里的食谱,就是我两年来从不同地方带回来,加上我自己的改良,成为这些跟大家分享的小小故事,小小心得。 食物 近年欧洲开始盛行‘ 慢食’;慢食,就是快餐的相反:尽量在新鲜市场买新鲜的菜,知道所有你放进口里的东西,来自什么地方,有什么价值。我希望把《Slow Food in Asia's Fast Cities》成真,跟大家分享这个寻味之旅。 音乐 看煮食节目,我一直对被拣选的音乐有所保留;我们要的是色香味,看着荧光幕,已经没有了香跟味,那至少在音乐上多点心思吧。厨房里呢?在预备食材,特别是洗洗切切的时候,会忽然有些音符跑进来;有时记得就写下来,有时干脆忘了,放心做菜。一些歌,一些纯音乐,很温暖的专辑。 ----------- 《慢煮 • 快活》里的50多个详尽的中英对照菜谱,包括: 娘惹焗鸡 韩式炸鸡 越式焦糖五花腩 日式海胆意粉 泰式香茅汁煎鲳鱼 白胡椒炒蟹 罗望子大虾 氂牛芝士蛋糕 冬荫功雪糕 第二春梅酒 各式咖喱、雪糕、沙律、高汤...... ------------------------------------------ 《Slow Food in Asia's Fast Cities》is a project combining 50 plus detailed recipes and original music inspired by food. Two years of hardwork by singer-songwriter Chet Lam and new team Leif Creative, 《Slow Food in Asia's Fast Cities》is Lam's first cookbook, is only available through here. Chet has been a veteran in music and travelling. In this bilingual cookbook (English and Chinese), Chet and his team Leif Creative are sharing with people recipes he learnt from some exciting yet culturally rich Asian cities like Bangkok, Chiangmai, Penang, Hanoi, Singapore etc., and how to make a difference by taking charge of what we eat everyday. The concept of 'from market to table' was inspired by slow food movement, in the book Chet is taking you to fresh markets in South East Asia, showing you how good food can be made in your own kitchen, and most importantly, he will show you that a better life is only a kitchen away. The music? A few original tunes in English, Japanese and Chinese, a few instrumental tracks, all seasoned with a touch of warmth accompanying you from market to table.