The Very Best of Little Peggy March (The Essential Singles Collection 1962-1968)
Review by Cub Koda Peggy March's U.S. hit-making abilities generally get sweated down by revisionist historians to her monumental 1962 hit, "I Will Follow Him." But the young chirper recorded many other fine sides before abdicating to Europe, where she sold millions more to a largely German audience. This collection largely focuses on her early years as a teenage moppet at RCA-Victor and tracks like "Boy Crazy," "I Wish I Were a Princess," "The Impossible Happened" and "I'm Watching You" are pure pop confections aimed directly at the teen market of the period. Her later recordings from the '60s showing her music growing on tracks like "He Couldn't Care Less" and "If You Loved Me" as she started selling copious amounts of platters over in Europe; this collection even closes with her big hit sung in Japanese. This most interesting compilation shows that Little Peggy March left much more great music behind than her one-hit wonder status would lead you to believe.
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