Godzilla the King of All Monsters
Year Movie Released in Japan 1954 Year Movie Released in U.S. 1956 The first disc in this set is probably one of my favorites. The music in this soundtrack marked my introduction to the music of Akira Ifukube and the earlier Futureland version TYCY-5345 was the first Godzilla CD I bought. As far back as I can remember and based on what my parents told me I always loved music and would always be listening to the radio. This love of music also carried over into films and I could appreciate how the film and music complimented each other. Maestro Ifukubes music and style caught my attention the first time I heard it and introduced me to many favorite themes he would reuse in other forms in various other Japanese movies. The re-mastering on this disc brings out subtleties not heard previously. Also here the 1st track starts out with the now familiar Godzilla foot steps and on this disc the 1st track seems to be a combined version of the first two tracks on the Futureland release. The bonus tracks on this disc are tracks 24 - 27. Track 24 is an alternate take on Godzillas footsteps and roars. Track 25 contains some film dialogue along with music, footsteps and sound effects. Track 26 has sound effects from the city traffic, music from a night club, footsteps and people screaming and running away. Track 27 is dialogue mainly.
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