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Over the Hedge (Music From the Motion Picture)

Over the Hedge (Music From the Motion Picture)

 可爱的小狸猫RJ(布鲁斯·威利斯)在人类侵略它赖以生存的森林领地之前,从没想到自己有一天会成为带领整个森林中小动物居民与人类“入侵者”抗争的领袖。相反,小狸猫RJ的人生目标只是为了糊口,并能在质量上有所保证。为了嘴上的享受,他可以冒着生命危险潜入森林霸主黑熊文申的家中,将其辛苦储存下来准备过冬用的一大桶食物吃个精光。强悍的文申当然不会放过这个偷吃贼,而给他的唯一生路就是在一定期限内将他刚刚偷吃得精光的食物空桶填满,否则RJ将面临小命不保的厄运。于是,RJ开始了拼命找食物偿还窃债的旅程。而小动物的头领乌龟沃尼(加里·桑德林)外出后发现,森林居民们常去的那块绿地已经变成了人类的住宅,并且用长长的篱笆墙围了起来。沃尼一步一惊心地翻过篱墙,开始了险象环生的回家之旅:差点被轰隆隆的割草机剪断脖子,小孩的山地车几乎将它的龟壳碾碎,又险些被庭院中聚餐的人群踩扁。九死一生回到森林的沃尼警告大家千万不要跨过篱墙之外,否则随时有血腥之灾。大家噤若寒蝉,而RJ深知,要找足文申要求的食物,非得到篱墙之外的垃圾桶才能办到,于是它不顾沃尼的劝告,一人跨过篱墙来到被人类霸占的领地。在这里它见到许多叫不出名字的食物。偷到食物胜利回家的RJ向大家讲述着自己的经历,告诉大家被人类占领的土地上有许多新鲜的玩意并鼓励它们翻越篱墙偷走人类的食物。正当大家犹豫不决时,RJ从人类那偷来的一包薯片以其独特的香味和口感征服了森林中的小动物们。于是,在RJ的带领下,小动物们开始翻越篱墙,“以你占我土地,我偷你食物”为口号向人类大肆报复。被小动物弄得焦头烂额的人类居民马上召开业主委员会,决定请来灭害专家对付这群难缠的小东西。头领沃尼对于森林居民的行为非常不满,它担心RJ引起的这场与人类对决的行动会导致森林的毁灭,在几次交锋中,固执的沃尼见到RJ它们的力量,渐渐意识到或许RJ才是真正的领导,森林的未来应该由它来领导…… With bright, brassy songs by Ben Folds and Rupert Gregson-Williams' playful but surprisingly tense orchestral score, the soundtrack to DreamWorks' film adaptation of the comic strip Over the Hedge strikes a good balance between traditional film music and pop. Gregson-Williams' pieces capture a lot of moods, sometimes all in one track: the twinkling, bustling feel of "The Family Awakens" evokes the manicured suburban jungle that the film's former forest creatures find themselves in, while "Play?" is a brief but lively piece of comical chase music. "Let's Call It Steve" is a standout, moving from quiet and slightly spooky to full-blown action music. Consisting of mostly energetic pieces like these and "Hammy Time," Gregson-Williams' score is remarkably unsentimental. In fact, most of Over the Hedge's emotional moments come from Folds' songs. "Family of Me" and "Still" are well-written and sweet without being saccharine, even if the strings on both tracks are a little overdone. Folds could've been picked to contribute songs to this soundtrack just because of his hit "Rockin' the Suburbs," but his quirky mix of humor and sentimentality works well here, especially on the more upbeat songs like "Heist." Versions of the Clash's "Lost in the Supermarket" and his own "Rockin' the Suburbs" -- which features a Has Been-like cameo from William Shatner (who voices Ozzie the Opossum in the movie) as a frantic suburbanite -- add a dash of hipness to the album. Over the Hedge is smart enough for parents and fun enough for kids; it's refreshing when a family film soundtrack like this comes along every once in a while.
