Necessary Roughness (Music From the Motion Picture)
根据美国大学体育协会的规定,德州州立大学被迫组成一支橄榄球队,由于没有奖学金的支持,愿意加入橄榄球队的学生少的可怜。这个临时成军的球队,由34岁的四分卫领军,他发现自己的球员,都是对橄榄球徒有狂热,没有概念的阿达球员,后卫球员将每一场比赛都视为战斗,中卫球员深受金钱问题困扰,前锋球员有的以日本武士道精神打球,有的则是蛮横的牛仔,更糟的是,踢球员是一个女生,中锋球员还爱上了她!这一群菜鸟球员是否有机会反败为胜呢? World premiere release of slam-bang Bill Conti soundtrack for rough tough funny tale about fictitious Texas State Armadillos (partly based on real-life 1988 scandal at Southern Methodist University) who come out from under variety of losing scenarios to become winners. Stan Dragoti directs, Scott Bakula, Robert Loggia, Sinbad, Hector Elizondo star. Conti tackles tried-and-true underdog formula with his signature sports vernacular, creating a veritable Rocky-on-steroids score, right down to the sizzling trumpet over blazing guitars, strings, percussion. Variety has some say with thematic power writing trading with stirring major-key anthem material for brass choir plus militaristic ideas for training sequences. Electronic fanfares plus some country twang also find spots on the team! Though muscular feel of score partners with contemporary rock idiom, Conti himself describes score as "never meant to be funny". Entire score presented in stereo from original session elements vaulted in pristine condition by Paramount Pictures. Several alternates are also presented after main program. Bill Conti conducts.
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