From other Spheres
The brand new album from Back to Earth. Back to Earth relaxing, instrumental, soundtrack, mood Chill out. Feedback from customers from all over the world. Back to Earth - "the best in relaxing music" - "this is the soundtrack for my heart and soul" -"The tracks generate a calm and harmonious mood, ideal for relaxing and dreaming. Music that awakens hidden feelings and won't let you go" - "Music for emotional moments" - "Artistic, poetic, meditative" - "Smooth lighten your mood" - "An ocean of deft and graceful sounds" - "Balm for stressed-out souls, peace for restless minds, a tonic for hard-core realists, they dare you to dream" -"Instrumentals that enchant" - ".... persuades ever more stressed individuals to slow down, listen and relax". "Your music gets under my skin" - "Sinuous music" - "Your music makes me think I have wings" - "Listening to this music, I could go on dreaming for ever" - "Caresses for the soul" - "Your music gives me strength and joy"-"Music from the heart" - "Your music stays with me all day" - "My patients imbibe this music like medicine for the soul" - "Your music has changed my life" - "The sound of beauty. Absolute relaxation and a wonderful feeling" - "Wonderful music that helps one to day-dream, relax, reflect and enjoy life" - "A journey into the land of dreams, beautiful" - "To relax, calm,and delight, wonderful" "...the best music I ever heard, I listen to it every day" - "can't wait for your new CD..."
Back to Earth 5480548 05:42
Back to Earth 5062607 05:16
Back to Earth 4700639 04:53
Back to Earth 4681836 04:52
Back to Earth 4872452 05:04
Back to Earth 6103740 06:21
Back to Earth 4933864 05:08
Back to Earth 6285138 06:32
Back to Earth 4909220 05:06
Back to Earth 3507805 03:39
Back to Earth 3270394 03:24
Back to Earth 4636687 04:49
Back to Earth 5008253 05:12
Back to Earth 6230371 06:29