Massive Attack
"Massive Attack" is a song by American recording artist Nicki Minaj and American singer-songwriter Sean Garrett, for Minaj's debut album Pink Friday. Written by Minaj, co-written and produced by Garrett and Alex da Kid, "Massive Attack" was released on April 13, 2010 as the first single from Pink Friday. The song was a distinct change in Minaj's previous work on mixtapes and features, thus receiving mixed to positive reviews from critics, commending lyrical content and distinctiveness, and critiquing that it did not fit her "Barbie" persona well. An accompanying music video which features a helicopter chase, and militaristic jungle and desert scenes, was positively received. Commercially the song has limited success, reaching number 65 on the US Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart but only managing to bubble under the Billboard Hot 100 at 22. Later in an interview with Billboard magazine, Garrett revealed that the song would not be included on Pink Friday and that the poor performance of the song was out of his control, "I was only able to do as much as I was allowed to do. Sometimes you have to step back and get off the wheel. I didn't have control of the entire creative process. A lot of [other] artists trust me enough and allow me to do what I know is best to do as a producer".