Just the Two of Us
★小提琴与钢琴最为弥足珍贵的音乐瞬间 ★还原最原始本真的状态 ★不插电演奏的朴素版本,让旋律为自己代言 著名的新世纪音乐风格乐队神秘园最新专辑《只有你我》(Just The Two Of Us)于2014年9月由环球音乐在中国大陆地区发行。 1994年,来自挪威的钢琴家Rolf Lovland和来自爱尔兰的小提琴家Fionnuala Sherry出于对音乐的共鸣一拍即合,随即组成了Secret Garden。1996年推出的首张专辑《神秘园之歌》(Song From A Secret Garden)大获成功,影响遍及世界各地。在美国,更一跃登上了“Billboard新音乐排行榜”榜单。融合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐的神秘园,凭借其恬静深远、自然流畅的曲风受到全世界乐迷的欢迎。 新专辑《只有你我》抛去了复杂的形式,单纯以二重奏的形式呈现音乐,力求还原最初的音乐形态。“在这张专辑中,我们没有做任何改编,以最纯粹最亲密方式演奏。”乐团成员解释,“《只有你我》专辑中大概有两、三首是新创作的,但大多数都是之前我们录制并现场演奏过的曲目。现在我们将他们还原至其最原始本真的状态——就是在最初谱曲时捕捉到的那些简单旋律”。这个特别的项目实现了Rolf Lovland和Fionnuala Sherry心中夙愿。他们希望可以在这次不插电演奏的朴素版本中,让旋律为其自己代言。 新专辑中《只有你我》是为这张专辑特别创作的新曲目。同时选择它为新专辑命名,不仅考虑到它代表了整个二重奏项目,而且“只有你我”这个主题也抓住了神秘园音乐的本质精神。《路过》也是为新专辑创作的新曲目,标题取自法文En Passant,国际象棋中意为“吃掉过路兵”,常用语义为“路过”的意思。神秘园表示,为作品命名并非是要给音乐定义,而是希望可以激发情感共鸣让听者自己感受其中含义。这便是音乐与听者之间的互动关系。《路过》充满浓郁的北欧小资风格,为专辑增色不少。 此前神秘园发行过多张专辑,充满思忆与忧郁的《神秘园之歌》;取材于童话、风格多样化的《白石》;古典与民乐完美融合的《忆游红月》;继承哀婉忧伤的《冬日诗篇》。《只有你我》中收录的曲目很多来源于旧专辑,神秘园希望通过再次演绎能够让音乐更好地表达内心情感,重现旋律中的亲切与朴实。 相信Just The Two Of Us钢琴小提琴二重奏的演绎,能够带听众回到最本真的音乐世界,聆听最清澈、宁静的经典时刻。 The winner of the 1995 Eurovision Song Contest, group Secret Garden from Norway, has released a brand new album entitled “Just the Two of Us”. It is the first new recording from the duo, Rolf Løvland and Fionnula Sherry, in two years. It is the group’s eleventh album to date and was released throughout Norway yesterday. The album sees a clash of both the piano and violin. It features fifteen songs and was completed in October. Thirteen songs have been previously released but are featured on the album with new arrangements while two are completely new. Secret Garden won the 1995 Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Nocturne”. “Just the Two of Us” will have an international release, the first for the duo since “Songs from a Secret Garden” was released worldwide following their Eurovision success. From official Secret Garden website and Facebook : For years we’ve talked about doing an album of our duets. Our music always starts with just the two of us - Rolf & Fionnuala; even when we’re performing with a full production on stage. So it feels natural and good to perform some of our music in the most intimate and stripped-down version - that musical place where Secret Garden was born. This is the theme of our new album. The album was prepared during the spring of 2013 and recorded soon after the summer here in Norway. We decided to build this album mostly on previously recorded pieces – the new element is the duo arrangements. But two new pieces were written in the process and found their way into the album. The album will first be released in Norway in late December or early January. Many other territories will follow over the coming months. We will update you on the release plans here on our website…
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