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Tears in Water (a tucu saqemauqaung aken)

Tears in Water (a tucu saqemauqaung aken)

・灵性男子LINION 携手金曲排湾族歌姬女伶Kivi,共创 2024 最抚慰人心的新灵魂单曲〈Tears in Water〉 ・再度邀请到知名国际R&B/Neo-Soul御用鼓手Efa Etoroma, Jr. 来施展鼓技,以及新一代鬼才键盘手Edelyn 一同参与录音制作 ・〈 Tears in Water〉融合排湾族语和当代Neo-Soul及Gospel 曲风,节奏轻柔且充满力量,是一场心灵的洗礼,如被水温柔的包覆将情感大释放 -- 「a tucu saqemauqaung aken」这句话是排湾族语,意思是我现在想哭。 LINION以男性角度出发诠释,很多时候「直男」很难开口说出自己想哭,会因为男性的自尊而忽略自己的情绪,本次透过与排湾族女歌手Kivi的合作,首度挑战使用排湾族语「a tucu saqemauqaung aken」这句话,唱出并呐喊著自身想哭的情绪,不再因为面子问题而压抑。或许乍听之下很难过,但更重要的是,将情绪诉诸呐喊后留下的空白,迎接而来的舒畅及喜悦。 而来自那屋瓦少女队的排湾族女歌手Kivi,如黑马之姿在第34届金曲奖,以首张专辑《分水岭Padiyudr》强势入围《最佳原住民语歌手奖》、《最佳原住民语专辑奖》、《年度专辑奖》,声线清亮且灵魂饱满,在她的歌声之间悠游有如滴水穿石般,每每听到Kivi的歌声都会被治愈及释放。2023年于第三张专辑《HIDEOUT》透露自己的灵魂动物是「黑豹」的LINION,像是带着隐隐作痛的伤,误闯入了Kivi的部落,本以为对方会被自己强悍的外表而吓跑,但反而被Kivi温柔且包容的对待,灵魂也被温暖的拥抱及接住,像是被浩瀚的水所包覆,得以在这样有安全感的水中放声大哭、呐喊出自己的情绪,像在海里面发出声音,并不会被很多人听到,同时也将自己体内的泪水恣意哭出,倾泻流入广大的海川。从歌名〈Tears in Water〉带入故事主轴,LINION想用这样的故事,分享给所有想哭但是哭不出来的听众们,大胆的说出「a tucu saqemauqaung aken」就把自己的灵魂给释放吧。 这首歌以LINION擅长的曲风Neo-Soul、主乐器Bass 注入满满地Groovy律动及Gospel的人声和音编曲,充分在laid back的空间流窜著自然的呼吸与灵魂,以他温暖且具质地的声线,叠加Kivi清亮亦富含灵魂且治愈的天生嗓音,画龙点睛的将这首歌给完整,节奏感令人不自觉跟着晃动,一回神发现自己的身体已经被灵魂牵引自然律动,不用思考。 歌手兼音乐制作人LINION,自第二张专辑《Leisurely》获得各界好评后,睽违三年再度邀请到知名国际R&B Neo-Soul音乐人 Moonchild / Kiefer/ Jeff Bernat/J3PO 等御用鼓手Efa Etoroma, Jr. 来施展鼓技,以及新一代鬼才键盘手Edelyn 一同参与录音制作,擅长Jazz、Neo-soul、Hip Hop的他,在短短的时间内就将这首歌的画面提升到更为华丽且细腻的层次,be water my friend。 The phrase "a tucu saqemauqaung aken" is Paiwanese, meaning "I want to cry now." LINION, interpreting from a male perspective, often finds it challenging for "straight guys" to express their desire to cry. Due to male pride, they may suppress their emotions. Through collaboration with Paiwanese female singer Kivi, LINION boldly challenges this societal norm by incorporating the Paiwanese phrase "a tucu saqemauqaung aken" into the song. This allows him to express and scream the emotions of wanting to cry, without suppressing them due to concerns about masculinity. While initially sorrowful, the crucial aspect is the sense of relief and joy that follows after expressing emotions through screams, filling the void left behind. Kivi, from the girl group “Nanguaq” emerged as a dark horse at the 34th Golden Melody Awards. With her debut album "Padiyudr," she garnered nominations for "Best Indigenous Language Singer," "Best Indigenous Language Album," and "Album of the Year." Her clear and soulful voice flows effortlessly, akin to water slowly wearing down stone, bringing healing and release to listeners. LINION, whose soul animal revealed in his third album "HIDEOUT" is the "black panther," metaphorically wandered into Kivi's tribe with hidden wounds, expecting to intimidate her with his tough exterior. However, he is met with Kivi's gentle and inclusive treatment, which embraces and soothes his soul. Like being enveloped by vast waters, he can freely cry out and scream his emotions in this safe environment, akin to making sounds in the sea, not heard by many, while letting tears flow freely, pouring into the vast ocean. Through the song title "Tears in Water," LINION aims to share this story with all listeners who want to cry but cannot, encouraging them to boldly express "a tucu saqemauqaung aken" and release their souls. This song, infused with LINION's signature Neo-Soul style and bass instrumentals, is filled with groovy rhythms and Gospel vocal arrangements. It flows naturally in a laid-back space, resonating with the warmth and texture of his voice. Combined with Kivi's clear, soulful, and healing vocals, the song is perfected, inducing an unconscious sway to its rhythm, where one finds themselves moving along naturally, without conscious thought. Singer, bassist, and music producer LINION, following the positive reception of his second album "Leisurely," has once again enlisted the talents of internationally renowned drummer Efa Etoroma, Jr. for recording drums. Efa is a frequent collaborator with many international R&B Neo-Soul musicians such as Moonchild, Kiefer, Jeff Bernat, and J3PO for live performances. Additionally, LINION has partnered with the emerging prodigy producer and keyboardist Edelyn for the recording production. Proficient in Jazz, Neo-Soul, and Hip Hop, Edelyn has swiftly elevated the song's sonic landscape to a more lavish and nuanced level within a short timeframe. As the saying goes, "be water my friend."


