Talking Stones
Koan由Daniel Roeth 与 Vladimir Sedov组成,来自莫斯科。 公案[佛门用语]:本义为官府中判决是非的案例。禅宗将历代高僧的言行记录下来,作为坐禅者的指示,久而久之也成为一种思考的对象,或修行坐禅者的座右铭。 This Koan's album "Talking Stones", released by Otium in 2005, was added to my catalog of records in October 2005. "Talking Stones" is a record in the genre of ambient. This is a solid and well-received album — rated 4 stars out of 5 and it is recommended to anyone who hasn't heard it yet. Average rate for a Koan album is 4.0, so this album is a medium quality record for Koan's discography. "Talking Stones" is tied to the region of Moscow, Russia; it belongs to the eastern european and ex-USSR cultural world zones. 3 out of 10 tracks on this album are marked as favorite, including "Underwater Moonlight" and "Lights of Arctica (Metanoya reprise)". Judging by picked selection, most tracks on this record are instrumentals. They are also performed in low profile/energy/mood. If you'd like to read a review of "Talking Stones" with a more personal touch, you'll find it right below.