New Year's Concert 2012 / Neujahrskonzert 2012
《2012维也纳新年音乐会》由马瑞斯·杨松斯担任指挥,本届音乐会,是杨松斯继2006年以23首打破演出曲目总数记录后再度“发力”,2012年的曲目总数将再上新高,达到24首之多。 在曲目单中,最大亮点当属俄罗斯著名作曲家柴可夫斯基的作品首次登陆维也纳新年音乐会舞台。值得玩味的是,2012年并非老柴生卒纪念逢十的年份,演出其作品似乎并无特别背景;而杨松斯对于柴可夫斯基的演绎却一直为人所称道,可能是促成这一合作的主因。从近几年的选曲看来,乐团方面也显然希望通过拓宽曲目范围来增加新年音乐会的吸引力。 指挥和乐团也在积极拓展施特劳斯家族的生僻曲目,从节目单上看,开场的三首作品均为新年音乐会首演,令人耳目一新;加上之后汉斯·克里斯蒂安·伦拜的《哥本哈根的蒸汽机车加洛普》以及柴可夫斯基《睡美人》中的两个选段,首演曲目共计六首。此外,继1998年之后,维也纳童声合唱团将时隔14年后再度登上新年音乐会的舞台,演唱《闲聊波尔卡》和《打铁法兰西波尔卡》。 Sony Classical is pleased to announce the release of the recording of one of the world’s most famous classical music events: the 2012 New Year’s Concert with the Vienna Philharmonic. Latvian conductor Mariss Jansons returns to direct the 2012 celebrations after his acclaimed debut in 2006. The live recording encompasses releases on CD, DVD and Blu-ray. The annual New Year's Day Concert in the stunning Vienna Musikverein has been an exalted tradition for more than seven decades, and the resulting recordings with works from the Strauss dynasty and their contemporaries are among the classical market's most important releases. The programme traditionally revolves around waltzes and polkas by the Strauss family (Johann father and son as well as Josef and Eduard Strauss). In 2012 the programme is once again a skilful blend of well-known classics and six New Year’s Concert premieres. As always the concert is bound to end with two traditional encores--the famous waltz The Blue Danube and the Radetzky March.