The Best Of
★ 全球专辑销售超过2500万张,葛莱美奖.水星音乐奖.Q MUSIC AWARDS荣耀肯定,定义90年代以来英伦摇滚精神的顶尖劲旅★ 汇整林宥嘉星光总决赛曲〈Creep〉、〈High And Dry〉、〈Paranoid Android〉等排行畅销单曲以及电影「香草天空」开场主题曲〈Everything In Its Right Place〉 ☆ 2CD版加收电影「罗密欧+朱丽叶」片尾主题曲〈Exit Music (For A Film)〉与插曲〈Talk Show Host〉以及汤姆约克现场演唱的伤心之歌〈True Love Waits〉 ★ 从情绪饱满的庞克摇滚乐到布满环境氛围乐音或古典、爵士乐因子的电子摇滚,从弥漫着忧郁、不安氛围的grunge摇滚到极力塑造艺术氛围的实验摇滚,从触及自我情绪探索、抑郁情结、社会分离、政治窘境、消费主义、盲从、愚蠢、无知到未知的恐惧的摇滚文字,电台司令乐团创造出一个让这个世代的灵魂都愿意沉溺其中的摇滚乐。 ★ 电台司令乐团的历年专辑在全球创造了超过2500万张的销售,在他们所发表的7张录音室专辑里头,总计有《OK Computer》、《Kid A》、《Amnesiac》、《Hail To The Thief》、《In Rainbows》等5张专辑勇夺英国金榜的冠军王座,同时也有17首打进英国金榜TOP40的单曲,他们的专辑获得了17个国家的白金销售认证与9个国家的超白金销售认证,他们的作品赢得两座葛莱美奖的喝采。电台司令乐团早已成为摇滚乐史上最具指标性,最获传媒青睐的乐团,他们的专辑不仅在专辑发表的该年度在全球传媒的最佳专辑评选中名列前茅,其中的《The Bends》、《OK Computer》、《Kid A》这3张专辑更是经常在摇滚音乐史上的最重要专辑名单中现身。 ★ 电台司令乐团在2008年6月发行创团以来的首张精选大碟《Radiohead : The Best Of》,此套双碟版的精选大碟,在第1张CD里头网罗了乐团在1992-2005年间于EMI唱片公司旗下所发行的6张专辑中的畅销单曲,招牌作与演唱会中最受欢迎的歌曲,其中包括:被乐评推崇为与Beck的〈Loser〉并列为另类摇滚国歌的成名曲〈Creep〉,乐团深具流行音乐魅力的摇滚佳作〈High And Dry〉,Q杂志读者票选为史上最伟大的10首歌曲之一的〈Paranoid Android〉,乐团在看过Jeff Buckley的演唱会后深受启发所创作的作品〈Fake Plastic Trees〉,记录着乐团因成名后所承受的压力的创作曲〈My Iron Lung〉,长久以来深获全美校园摇滚电台热烈放送的作品〈Karma Police〉以及〈There There〉、〈No Surprises〉、〈Pyramid Song〉、〈Street Spirit (Fade Out)〉、〈2+2 = 5〉、〈Just〉等12首英国金榜TOP30畅销单曲,还有电影「香草天空」的开场主题曲〈Everything In Its Right Place〉跟1995年为援助战区儿童组织「War Child」所创作的义唱歌曲〈Lucky〉。 ★ 在第2张CD中特别加收李奥纳多狄卡皮欧所主演的电影「罗密欧+朱丽叶」片尾主题曲〈Exit Music (For A Film)〉与插曲〈Talk Show Host〉,深受爵士传奇大师Charles Mingus所影响的〈The National Anthem〉,闪动着吉他蓝调色泽的〈I Might Be Wrong〉,还有主唱汤姆约克赤裸的表现伤痛情绪的现场演唱曲〈True Love Waits〉跟英国金榜TOP20单曲〈Knives Out〉、〈Go To Sleep〉…等。 ★ 无论是吉他摇滚,庞克摇滚,还是电子摇滚,来自英国牛津的电台司令乐团不断的为摇滚乐构思出独特的人声情绪与精致的声响空间,持续扮演好做为一个当代最具突破性,最具影响力,最具创意巧思的摇滚乐团这个角色。 The year 2008 might have been a slightly early point in time to release expanded editions of the first several Radiohead albums, so Capitol greased the reissue pipeline with The Best Of, a 17-track disc with a track list that is as debatable as any other. The idea of squeezing the band's first six albums into something resembling a definitive one-disc introduction seems almost as wise as presenting A Collection of Great Dance Songs (incidentally a Capitol release) as the one true and useful introduction to Pink Floyd, but to be more fair, the disc does cover just about all of the basics: all the singles and emphasis tracks, from Pablo Honey's "Creep" through Hail to the Thief's "2+2=5," along with a small assortment of the band's better-known album cuts. One track apiece comes from Pablo Honey (1993) and Amnesiac (2001); three are from Kid A (2000), four are from OK Computer (1997), and six are off The Bends (1995). The primary problem, of course, is that Radiohead are much more an albums band than a singles band, especially from OK Computer onward, so a natural reflex for someone who has valued the band since The Bends is to shriek in mild agony; in principle, a best-of Radiohead compilation is similar to a DVD containing somewhat thoughtfully picked scenes from films made by a specific director. For a very casual fan who has absolutely no interest in exploring beyond the songs he or she heard on the radio or through MTV and the like, this set will do (it has "Creep" and half of The Bends, after all, and then a bunch of "the weird stuff"), but otherwise it clearly serves a purpose more meaningful for the label than anyone else.
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