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Be Still

Be Still

Be Still Life always looks easier for other people. They seem to have enough. They seem to keep it calm. They seem to hold the answers to all of life’s difficulties. And so we reach outside of ourselves to find our peace, to find what will help us evolve into better people. Science grows closer and closer to verifying that we are just as much unified as we are distinctly unique. And the stress we throw into the world does eventually shape the kind of world we live in. War, hunger, pride, striving, wanting, needing. In many ways our lives are much better than they were before and in some ways broken down. This seems like a natural flow of history and growth. In order to grow forward, we must let go of that past. I have found that often when we are searching for something in life, the answers rest within you. We don’t need others to tell us how great we are or how beautiful we are. We don’t need to seek outward, external, verification of our brilliance and imagination. We sometimes only need to sit in the quiet space that is “Me”, rest, breathe, not move, not seek, not hunt, but be still. 驻足 别人的生活看起来总是一帆风顺的。他们拥有一切他们想要的东西,面对困难的时候看起来总是那么云淡风轻,好像掌握了生活的真理。所以我们渴望从别人那里获得我们内心的平静,不断地寻找那些可以让我们变得更好的东西。科学的进步让人们从绝对特别的个体变得越来越相似。我们每天产生的压力最终充斥在我们生活的世界,变成了我们的一切。战争,饥荒,自尊,追逐,欲望,需求。从某种角度来说,我们现在的生活比之前更美好,但从另外一个角度来说,我们的生活却在渐渐分崩离析。这也许就是历史和世界发展的自然循环吧。为了可以不断向前,我们必须不再纠结过去。我常常觉得当我们在急切寻找某些真理的时候,它其实常常就静静的躺在我们内心。我们不需要寻找外部的力量去证明我们的智慧,才华与想象力。我们需要做的就是静静的坐在一个安静的空间,耐心的与自己相处。停下来,深呼吸,不焦急,不搜寻。只是驻足当下,感受自己的内心。


