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BRUTUS是一支来自荷兰的BRUTAL DEATH乐队,这是乐队的第1张正式作品。我们都知道:UNIQUE LEADER旗下的另两支来自荷兰的乐队-- DISAVOWED与PYAEMIA,凭借其扎实的技术功底、新潮的音乐元素及酷似SUFFOCATION的风格获得了很高的赞誉。而BRUTUS与这两支乐队相比显然玩的是不同风格的死亡音乐。乐队主唱采用有轻微GUTTURAL唱腔的纯正的重低音兽吼,那种有如恶魔诅咒般的发声令人很容易联想到 INCATATION及IMMOLATION的主唱。另外,唱腔中加入了些少许的尖叫唱腔,基本上也作到了恰到好处。乐队的鼓更多地采用诸如 BRODEQUIN及印尼死亡乐队中常见的没有起伏的、麻木不仁的连续敲击方式。虽然在速度上与上述乐队比还有不小的差距,但无论是军鼓,还是双踩,持续的敲击都给人以强烈的乾燥感。而在很多歌中还加入了很多的传统的THRASH BEAT的手法,有力地突出了乐队作为一支欧洲乐队的属性。乐队的吉它与其它荷兰乐队那种刚猛的NY味儿十足的手法有很大不同,更多的是类似早期佛罗里达死亡乐队的那种黑暗、隐晦感觉RIFF占据统治地位。总之,BRUTUS的这张“Slatchbeest”给人以佛州式的BRODEQUIN一样的感受,虽然技术含量没的说,但缺少了些血腥及新潮的感觉。介绍来自死域 by Cosmo Lee When Maarten "Ploegbaas" Luijsterburg jumped in front of a train in 2006, he deprived death metal of one of its most talented drummers. He wasn't the fastest nor the most technical, though he excelled at both. Rather, he had an energy that propelled songs subtly yet powerfully. Ferocious guitarists kept up at every step, creating a rabid riffing machine. In lesser hands, Slachtbeest would be bog-standard death metal. Like a thousand other bands, Brutus draw from the chunky brutality of Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation. However, the Dutch band doesn't just regurgitate these bloody materials. Instead, it concentrates them with muscular focus, then flings them like freshly cut meat. Riffs, not songs, carry this record. They attack with malevolent precision, often with sinuous trills for atmosphere. Unlike the unrelenting monotony of many of their peers, Brutus understand dynamics. Thus, riffs often crunch in half-time, as Luijsterburg whips up chopper-blade percussion underneath. The lyrics are in Dutch, but that almost doesn't matter; the vocalist sounds like he has a freezer at home full of body parts. Sure, this death metal has precious little imagination. That's moot, however, given execution this killing.


