都市殉情记 Love lost in city 现代都市熙攘的人群中,充斥着不得不成为多面人的孤独患者们,他们对不同的人说着不同的话,扮演着不同身份但相同点却是讽刺生活的假。这样的环境里,殉情的对象往往不会是具体的人,因为恋人与朋友和敌人一样,都只是过客;被玩弄的也不是情感,因为情感根本没有扎根的土壤,只有翻来覆去又词不达意的表达。在《都市殉情记》中,OCD和刘柄鑫以都市殉情为题,但句句都是在写自己的困难处境,这显得有些荒腔走板,但其实形式与内容实在若合符节:都市环境让灵肉一体的爱情变得难于登天,最终留下的幻象就都只是爱自身的投射——努力只是徒劳、失败才是底色。因此,失望从OCD那里的结果,变成了刘柄鑫口中的必然,又重新在微微低语的outro中完成了循环。 In the bustling modern cities, loneliness haunts their inhabitants who are forced to have multiple avatars. They hold different tongues when interacting with different people, yet sarcastically their common language is indeed realistic ironies of city life itself. For those living in the cities, they never lose their love to concrete individuals, since lovers, as much as friends and foes, are simply passing by. The urban dwellers also don’t really play with emotions, because authentic emotions cannot take root and can only manifest themselves in repetitive nonsense. In Love Lost in City, OCD and Liu Bingxin took the unconventional route of discussing their own dilemmas through the theme of urban lost love, which seems irrational to begin with. Yet the approach makes perfect sense as the format of the song matches with the content seamlessly: it is the urban condition of modern lives that renders wholesome love impossible, eventually resulting in not genuine love of others but only imaginaries of the idea of love. Therefore, trying to love in cities is futile and one must accept the fateful defeat even before trying. In this way, the disappointment of unfinished love affairs completed a full circle from OCD’s verse where it was an unbearable result, to Liu Bingxin’s verse where it was destiny, to the outro part where it was eventually embraced and surpassed. 作词:OCD/刘柄鑫 作曲:OCD/刘柄鑫 混音/母带:Soul.z 歌曲简介:Alex Li 封面视觉:张昊 统筹:宗一介/余奔/Sting 特别鸣谢:Oken/说唱者联盟 发行:Chaos Hill Records