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南無地藏王菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏,梵名Ksitigarbha,音譯:乞又底蘗婆。地,住處之義;藏,含藏之義。即受釋尊之咐囑,於釋尊圓寂後至彌勒菩薩成道間之無佛時代,自誓度盡六道眾生始願成佛之菩薩。 據大方廣十輪經卷一序品、占察善惡業報經卷上等載,地藏菩薩由過去之大悲誓願力 ,示現大梵王身、帝釋身、聲聞身、閻羅王身、獅象虎狼牛馬身,乃至羅剎身、地獄身等無量無數異類之身,以教化眾生,並特別愍念五濁惡世受苦眾生,應眾生所求而消災增福 ,以成熟眾生之善根。地藏菩薩常變現如是無數之化身濟度眾生,故又稱為千體地藏。 Buddhist name is Ksitigarbha, the meaning of Ksitigarbha represent residence and hiding. Namely to accept Sakyamuni Buddha's instructions, during no Buddha age which time is from Sakyamuni Buddha's death to Maitreya Bodhisattva accomplishing Buddha path. He vows to save six realms living-being, then to accomplish Bodhisattva. According to recording of sutra, due to past compas-sionate vow, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva appears with numerous and countless different kinds of animals and plants by the body of king of Brahma-world, Savaka, Yamaraja, lion, elephant, tiger, wolf, cattle, horse, and hell, to teach beings, and specially to pity the sufferings beings in five kasaya periods of turbidity. He accepts all request of beings to eliminate calamity and increase good fortune, to accomplish the righteousness root of beings. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva usually becomes numerous embodiments to save beings, so called Ksitigarbha of thousand bodies. 眾生度盡,方證菩提;地獄未空,誓不成佛 Not enter into the dignity of bodhi until saving all creatures, To vow not to accomplish Buddha if the hells are not empty. 常誦此咒–可救贖眾生消災增福成熟善根


