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WRITTEN BY MOCKER44. 趋于求同的生命轨道,把每个人都送入了巴别塔上,我们凝聚在一起,创造出宏伟的奇迹,挑战天空的威严;我们也凝聚在一起,构筑拥挤的蜂巢,自掘所有灵魂的公墓。 psychopath这个单词很有意思,包含了psycho和path,它是否表述了某种截然不同的道路?当走上了属于我们自己选择的那一条道路上,是否人就从共同的灵魂海洋走出,独立的行于世间? 趋同和合群让我们得以延续,独立和差异给了我们不同的色彩。 某种程度上来说,我们皆是他人的另类,皆是城市夜幕后某个角落的幻影,皆是无可救药也无法改变的psychopath,也都将残缺的自我掩盖却依然努力保卫它的存在。 怎样去正视它,与它共存,并且将其超越,可能是以生命为尺度的问题。 The tendency towards convergence has placed everyone on the Tower of Babel, where we gather together and create magnificent miracles, challenging the majesty of the sky. We also gather together and construct crowded beehives, dig the graves of all souls. The word "psychopath" is interesting, as it combines "psycho" and "path." Does it express a completely different path? When we embark on the path we choose for ourselves, do we step out of the common ocean of souls and walk independently in the world? Convergence and group mentality allow us to continue, while independence and differences give us different colors. To some extent, we are all the alternatives of others, all the phantoms in a corner behind the city's nightfall, all the irreparable and unchangeable psychopaths who still strive to defend their existence, despite their fragmented selves. How to face it, coexist with it, and transcend it may be a question that is measured by the scale of life.


