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Banm Nouvel Ou

Banm Nouvel Ou

BélO has been hailed as Haiti’s musical ambassador to the world. A socially conscious singer-songwriter with a sophisticated sound and winner of numerous awards, including the prestigious "Prix Radio France International Discoveries of 2006," BelO’s sound is a sublime mixture of Jazz, Worldbeat, Rock, Reggae and Afro- Haitian traditional rhythms known as “Ragganga”. With the two albums already under his belt-“LAKOU TRANKIL” (2005) and "REFERENCE" (2008)-sung in his rich and colorful native language, Haitian Creole, BélO has established himself as a Haitian-International artist signpost. After the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, BélO 's primary focus was to create awareness for his country at various performances around the world. BélO 's third album "HAITI DEBOUT," (Haiti Stand-up -2011) was released under Radio France/France Info and distributed, globally, by Harmonia Mundi. During the " HAITI DEBOUT " tour, BélO has performed in Germany, Rome, Romania, France, South Korea, London, Canada and the U.S BélO has always been very committed to the cause of the less fortunate, the education of children, respect for women, social solidarity and environmental protection, peace in Haiti and around the world. The earthquake, which devastated his country, gives more strength to his commitment and intensifies the messages he conveys in his songs. “HAITI DEBOUT " is dedicated to Haiti and the strength of the Haitian people. With the third album, BélO took a step further into the roots sound exploring the Haitian "Rasin" rhythms and African flavors where we notice the presence of the talking drum and other similar percussions. During his travels, BélO met numerous musicians who wanted to share the love he has for his country by contributing a part of their culture to the album; hence Blick Bassy from Cameroun, Sael from Martinique, Thierry Fanfan from Guadeloupe, Amen Viana and Jean Baptiste Gbadoe from Togo, Harouna Samake and Prince from Mali, Patrick Ruffino from Benin, David Aubaille and Jean Lamoot from France and Gabriel Saeintz. Yet, the album would not be complete without his support system and Haitian entourage, and they are: Fabrice Rouzier, Andy Barrow, Harold St-Louis, Joel Widmaier, Valencia Laguerre, Carlomagno Araya, Jowee Omicil, Emmanuella Michel and Claude Saturne. BélO was invited to participate at the Center Stage month tour (Oct-Nov 2012) in the U.S. Center Stage is a public diplomacy initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. During the Center Stage tour, BélO performed and conducted numerous seminars across America. http://www.belohaiti.com • http://www.sonicbids.com/beloayiti • http://www.facebook.com/artisbelo


