I like to write from my heart about whatever inspires me. This changes day to day. I don't like boxes, so I will not put myself in one. I am an American dreamer who also enjoys writing. Music. Stories. Possibly a book? I am a husband to a beautiful woman, father to beautiful children, and a patriotic veteran who follows Jesus. I am currently disgusted with what I see in politics. I wrote "Benghazi" in response to what has happened to our Special Forces brothers and the military in general. There is more to the Benghazi story than what is being told. This song spotlights where the blame for these deaths belong (Clinton and Obama). Their hands still bear the blood of those SEAL's and Ambassador Stevens. I believe the truth/facts will eventually come out if enough people demand answers. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are at stake in this coming election. If we want to protect the American Republic, we must defeat Clinton in the coming election and demand the truth about Benghazi! Do you want our military betrayed again? Elect Clinton and you can guarantee they will be. I hope "Benghazi" makes you think. I hope you love it or hate it! Thanks for listening-Matteo and Koa (my guitar).