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Undercover Lover

Undercover Lover

To find out all there is to know about Knights... please go to: www.myspace.com/knightsarecoming If you just can't wait... here is the Bio: Thomas Knights was walking past a street kiosk one hot summers day in London, when a story on the front page of a newspaper caught his eye. The headline read; SECRET SOCIETY FOUND BENEATH PARIS The article went on to describe how the society had created an illegal underground club, which met up in a vast cave, accessed only by miles of tunnels that lie beneath the Parisian streets. The police found a full-sized cinema, a selection of 50s film noir classics and more recent thrillers. When they returned the next day, accompanied by experts from the French electricity board, they were greeted with a note: Do not, it said try to find us. Societies, word of mouth, secret clubs: Thomas had spent the last four years participating in a secret society built on word of mouth, and he was excited to see that across the water, like-minded people were doing the same thing. Thomas is a member of The Word Of Mouth Society - an organisation that is run by 'The Author', a British man no one has ever met. It is called W.O.M.S for short and its purpose is to unite creative minds. Some say there are thousands of members worldwide... songwriters, musicians, producers, poets, dancers, photographers, actors and so on - all passionate about their craft and determined to knee jerk the vacuous world we seem to be striding towards. The London W.O.M.S meet up regularly, often watching the latest art house film releases, or to collaborate on projects; sharing their ideas and talents. Thomas, a songwriter and producer, developed his skills with members of the W.O.M.S just after he moved to London, and this is where the story of Knights began - back in the summer of 2002. Whilst watching a death-defying car chase at a W.O.M.S. event, an unknown hand gently squeezed Thomas knee and a womans voice purred Dont be afraid, Im here now, youll be safe with me. This was the voice of Elisabeth Valentine. Thomas had finally found the missing spirit for his work, his muse, his soul mate. Since their first meeting, Tom and Elisabeth have been inseparable. Its hard to describe the chemistry between the two; ideas flow freely and at the same time, they have an incredible attention for detail. They became an integral part of The Word Of Mouth Society, and many of its core members have either collaborated, or are a part of the Knights world. Their debut album Icon, a product of this creative era, features many W.O.M.S musicians, and their debut tour (Icon) took advantage of their network of dancers, choreographers, sound engineers and stage technicians to create an electrifying live show which toured successfully across the UK at the end of 2005, to great critical acclaim. Recently the pair have been back in the studio putting the finishing touches on new material for Icon, and are gearing up for the next phase in their live show extravaganza. Watch out.....Knights Are Coming!


