《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》和小说改编电影《银河系漫游指南》中,皆提及独特的42号宇宙。 你是否也有一瞬间思考过: "为什么感觉每个平行宇宙的你都爱我,唯独现在所处的这个宇宙你不爱我?" 会不会每个平行宇宙中,你都感受到了爱。 然而,在当前所处的宇宙里,你感觉到了一种不被回应的爱。 "我真切地渴望能够飞往那个神秘的42号宇宙,在那里找到一个你爱上我的版本。" 我们常常会对爱和命运进行思考, 或许每个人都有属于自己的宇宙, 或许我们经常对另一个世界的自己和另一种可能性的思考, 只是我们无法进入那些世界,而被困在了当前所处的现实之中。 矛盾和不确定性中,或许爱情只是宇宙间的一种巧合,它选择了我们在其他世界里的不同版本。 在哲学中寻找不完美的浪漫,在未知的平行宇宙中, 一同追寻那个42号宇宙,在那里,也许我们能够找到爱的归属 。 为了贴合主题,本次歌曲封面融入了Surrealism超现实主义风格; 而歌曲的混音则采用了多重效果穿插的处理手法,以贴合多重宇宙的“我”合唱的效果,可戴上耳机感受; In "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" and the novel-adapted film "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," both mention the unique 42nd universe. Have you ever had a moment where you thought, "Why does it feel like every parallel universe version of you loves me, except for the version of you in the universe I'm currently in?" Maybe in every parallel universe, you feel love. However, in the current universe you inhabit, you feel an unrequited love. "I sincerely yearn to travel to that mysterious 42nd universe and find a version of you who falls in love with me." We often contemplate love and destiny. Perhaps everyone has their own universe, and perhaps we frequently ponder our other-worldly selves and other possibilities. But we are unable to enter those worlds and remain trapped in the reality of our current existence. In the midst of contradictions and uncertainties, love may just be a cosmic coincidence, choosing different versions of us in other worlds. In philosophy, we search for imperfect romance and together pursue that 42nd universe of the unknown. Perhaps there, we can find where love truly belongs. The cover is Surrealism with Surrealism to fit the theme, while the mix is interspersed with multiple effects to fit the multiverse “I” chorus, can wear headphones to feel;