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Long Gone Since Last Summer

Long Gone Since Last Summer

始终展现一派西岸夏日美好风情的瑞典INDIE-POP十人大乐团 ▓第二张专辑满载了11首的欢娱结实,而这曾唱合了一声又一声Ba-Pa-Pa的消遥魅力,仍 绵绵延延地记叙乐团拥有的感性青春。多人编制下形成了乐器和人声的丰富性,又不失其 简单清新的迷人特性。 ▓既有宛如另一老牌清新乐团Eggstone和90年代初期Marsh Marigold Records风格般的爽 朗乐韵,又有叮叮当的吉他舞音绽放单和弦的轻快奔流,更能体现今日瑞典独立流行乐的 多重性。 一派夏日美好风情从来都是瑞典乐团Irene轻易使来的最强项,距离上一张Apple Bay专辑 才8个月的时间未久,第二张专辑Long Gone Since Last Summer才27分钟多的流行清妙, 却满载了11首的欢娱结实,而这曾唱合了一声又一声Ba-Pa-Pa的消遥魅力,仍绵绵延延地 记叙乐团拥有的感性青春。 此次连同客席外加原本团员超过10人的阵容,表现在新辑中并不见其喧扰杂闹,作为单曲 的By Your Side和另首歌曲Seaside,那悠扬小喇叭契合着简单泛情的转瞬流畅,反能听 出另一老牌清新乐团Eggstone和90年代初期Marsh Marigold Records风格搭连而来的爽朗 乐韵;又主音Bobby温敦嗓音在下支单曲Little Lovin’所慢熬出的醇厚灵魂,也释放着 乐团难得的慵懒迷情;当然叮叮当的吉他舞音不会缺席于专辑中,September Skies绽 放单和弦的轻快奔流,顺着乐曲旋律的翩然撒落,更有早秋独梦的暇惬。 虽然Long Gone Since Last Summer并不是乐团所出身城市Gothenburg,想要众星云集的 雄心力作,但翻唱同乡乐团My darling YOU!的终曲Last Forever却可看出彼此间亲密互 助的友好关系,原曲的趣味跌踞与Irene的挚切吟游,完全反映了这地区诠释今时瑞典独 立流行乐的多重性,而Irene处在诸如享誉国际的歌手Jens Lekman,或是由The Tough Alliance领军的Sincerely Yours厂牌等等之间,纯真可人的性格不仅得天独厚,也贴贴 服服地酣酝胸臆。 The second album by Swedish pop collective Irene, Long Gone Since Last Summer opens with the sprightly single "By Your Side," the sort of song that's propelled along by a double-time acoustic rhythm guitar and a perky horn section and has a subtle but unmistakable feel of the sort of early-'70s AM radio hit that got collected on Rhino's Have a Nice Day series. It's followed immediately by "End of the Line," which offers exactly more of the same, which itself is followed by "Looking for Love," which varies the formula enough to include Cowsills-style group harmonies and is followed by the jauntily frisky "Seaside," which...and so on and so on. In other words, Irene has an aesthetic and they're sticking resolutely to it. This is no bad thing, especially since this brand of unapologetically catchy bubblegum always has a place in indie pop: comparisons to Belle & Sebastian's perkier later singles are not unwarranted. Unfortunately, Irene is seriously hampered by singer/songwriter Tobias Isaksson's wobbly, pitch-poor voice, which detracts from the summery good vibes of the melodies and lyrics. With a less mannered vocalist, Long Gone Since Last Summer would be a carefree pure pop delight.


