The Life I Love
"The Life I Love," by Fletcher and John is a folk-Celtic collaboration portraying the beauty of life in northern New Mexico. Many of the songs speak to "connection," both to the land and the people, and all the songs express hope and beauty "in these troubled times." The flavor of the album is folk and Americana, with a few lovely Celtic melodies...all woven together in one large story. From beginning to end this album will take you on a heart-felt journey.
FLETCHER、John 5134050 05:20
FLETCHER、John 4666356 04:51
FLETCHER、John 4391759 04:34
FLETCHER、John 4221231 04:23
FLETCHER、John 3272042 03:24
FLETCHER、John 3795751 03:57
FLETCHER、John 2817722 02:56
FLETCHER、John 3976313 04:08
FLETCHER、John 4144339 04:18
FLETCHER、John 3453436 03:35
FLETCHER、John 4476604 04:39