CD Review: Melody and Derrick Cameron - Sincerely Melody and Derrick Cameron are a young couple who live in West Mabou, Inverness Co. Melody plays the fiddle and derrick plays guitar. "Sincerely" is their third recording together and is full of rich, Inverness style fiddling. Melody plays with a deep, rich tone and that landmark drive of Cape Breton dance music. Derrick's guitar playing accents his wife's fiddling to perfection. They are joined in various places by Mac Morin on piano, Jamie Foulds on bass and guitar, JP Cormier on guitar, bass, banjo and mandolin and Lisa Cameron and Joy Dunlop on vocals. The CD opens with a "big set" of strathspeys and reels to get you in the mood. A set of jigs for the first figure of a dance sets the feet to tapping. A very nice guitar medley of slow airs, Heavy is My Fate and My Lily, gives you a breather. A couple of nice touches come in the form of song. Gaelic singer Joy Dunlop lights it up with some puirt a beul (mouth music) while Melody stepdances. Lisa Cameron lends her beautiful voice to Derrick's touching song, "Before It's Your time To Go" and Derrick sings a humourous tune he wrote for his nieces and nephews, "Joe the Crow". There are more jigs, strathspeys, reels, marches and airs to bring almost an hour of music to the delighted ears of the listener. Thanks to Melody and Derrick for giving me a copy of their wonderful new CD at the 54th Annual Broadcove Concert this summer. I hope they can find time away from milking their dairy herd to record some more great music. John Ferguson for CelticLife August 9, 2010 A Short Note from Melody and Derrick Cameron: Hi Everyone, In Cape Breton we love our music. Nothing is better than a real good kitchen party or dance where we can all gather for a good time. Our music is what nurtures us and we are both thankful for that. This will be our third recording and we made it with good friends who's gifts in music are inspirational. Take the time to listen, for the music we play is from our hearts and we hope you enjoy it! Sincerely, Melody & Derrick Cameron 1. Medley in "A" The Marchioness of Huntley - Strathspey / William Marshall Mr. Murray - Strathspey / William Martin A Mary MacDonald Strathspey Memories of Dougald MacIntyre - Reel John Morris Rankin Reel - Donny Leblanc Johnny Muise - Reel / Jerry Holland (SOCAN) 2. "A" Good Figure The Pattern Day - Jig / Traditional The Rake of Kildare - Jig / Traditional I Won't do the Work - Jig / Traditional 3. My Lily Guitar Group * Derrick's grandfather, Sam Cameron, was a Gaelic speaker and singer. "Ochoin! Mo Chailin" was one of the songs he used to sing. The song was reputedly made by a Reverend Nicholson of Lismore when he discovered his beloved was betrothed to another man. This selection is in memory of Sam, his sons Alec, Lawrence and Gerald and his daughter Mary. Heavy is My Fate - Traditional air My Lily (Ochoin! Mo Chailin) - Traditional 4. Maple Leaf Forever Group Maple Leaf Forever - Traditional Memories of Father Angus MacDonnell- March / Mike MacDougall Munlochy Bridge - Strathspey / Traditional Primrose Lass- Reel / Traditional Sheehan's - Reel / Traditional Lord MacDonald's - Reel / Alexander MacDonald 5. Sachelle's Jig Set Sachelle's - Jig / Melody Cameron (SOCAN) The Humors of Cappa - Jig / Mc Namara / O'Neill's 6. Puirt with Joy * Melody step dancing to Joy Dunlop's Puirt a Beul. Joy is a Gaelic speaker and singer from Connel, Scotland. This selection was recorded in 2007 when she was living in Mabou doing a work term for Comunn Féis Mhàbu. B' fheàrr leam fhìn gum beireadh an teile - Strathspey / Traditional Nam biodh agam gioball bodaich - Reel / Traditional Geala bhodaich sa bheinn duibh - Reel / Traditional 7. Leaving Lismore Group Leaving Lismore - waltz / Mrs. Martin Hardie Rosebud of Allenvale - air / J. Scott Skinner Beaton's Delight Strathspey - Strathspey / Donald Angus Beaton (SOCAN) Miss Shepherd - Reel / J. Scott Skinner Beaton's Delight - Reel / Donald Angus Beaton (SOCAN) Harry Bradshaw - Reel / Jerry Holland (SOCAN) 8. Ye Banks and Ye Braes * For Brandy. Ye Banks and Ye Braes - Air / Robert Burns 9. Before It's Your Time To Go An original composition by Derrick Cameron (SOCAN) sung by Lisa Cameron. 10. Irish Set in "D" The Smith's a Gallant Fireman - Strathspey / Traditional Back of the Change House - Strathspey / Traditional Donald MacGugan's Rant - Reel / Traditional Mountain Road - Reel / Michael Gorman 11. Bronson's Medley Bronson's March - Melody Cameron (SOCAN) The Haugh of Cromdale - Strathspey / Traditional Compliments to Cameron Chisholm - Strathspey / Maybelle Chisholm-McQueen (SOCAN) Flora MacDonald - Reel / Traditional Cooley's Reel- Irish reel / Traditional 12. Joe the Crow An original composition by Derrick Cameron (SOCAN) - For our nieces and nephews. Special thanks to: Mac Morin for the wonderful piano playing. We enjoyed our day in the studio with you. J.P. Cormier for opening up his home to us and sharing his amazing talent. Lisa Cameron for her beautiful singing and for being a good friend. Joy Dunlop for the timing and drive with which you sing the tunes. It makes us want to dance. Jamie Foulds for all your mixing, mastering, musicianship, patience and good cheer. Margie Beaton for the great graphic design work. Danny Graham for letting us borrow your recording gear. You helped us make this project better. Mikayle MacLennan for sharing your art. Every drawing is special. Stephen MacLennan for asking for a song about "a crow and a banjo". Our parents for their encouragment and support. Our friends and family for their support. The people who milk the cows so we can go play music. Thanks Pete, Krista, Trevor, Jimmy and Dad. The venues who ask us to perform and the people who come to listen. God above for letting us to continue to play music. We would also like to thank: Roberta Head, Donny Leblanc, Kinnon Beaton, Maybelle Chisholm-McQueen, Peggy MacDougall, Joel Chiasson, Hilda Chiasson-Cormier, Mack Beaton, Stanley MacNeil, Jim Watson, Vern MacDougall, Patrick Lamey, Robert Buck and everyone at the Mull Cafe & Deli. Produced by - Derrick Cameron & Melody Cameron - All Melody's fiddle tracks recorded at Soundpark Studios by Jamie Foulds except for the fiddle on track 12 which was recorded by J.P. Cormier at Cormier Sound. - All piano recorded at Soundpark Studios by Jamie Foulds. - All vocals recorded at Soundpark Studios by Jamie Foulds except for the vocals on track 12 which were recorded by J.P. Cormier at Cormier Sound. - Derrick's guitar on tracks 1, 3, 6, 8 & 10 recorded at home by Derrick Cameron. - Derrick's guitar on tracks 4, 5, 11 & 12 recorded at Cormier Sound by J.P. Cormier. - Derrick's guitar on track 9 recorded at Soundpark Studios by Jamie Foulds. - Jamie Fould's Bass on track 6 and bass and second guitar on track 9 recorded at Soundpark Studios by Jamie Foulds. - J.P. Cormier's nylon string guitar and bass on track 3 recorded at Cormier Sound by J.P. Cormier. - J.P. Cormier's guitar, banjo, mandolin and bass on track 12 recorded at Cormier Sound by J.P. Cormier. Mixed by - Jamie Foulds with Derrick & Melody Cameron at Soundpark Studios, Sydney, NS. Mastered by - Jamie Foulds at Soundpark Studios, Sydney, NS. Photography - * Cover Photo by Fran O' Brien, CT, USA / Mabou Habour, NS. * Additional photos by Willie Garcia, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. * Hand drawn art by Mikayle MacLennan (age 12). Graphic Design - Margie Beaton Manfacturing provided by - Robert Buck at MMS, Newfoundland. For booking information on Melody and Derrick Cameron contact: Derrick Cameron, West Mabou Entertainment Email: Tel: 902.945.2393
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