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Audio Charm Bracelet

Audio Charm Bracelet

audio charm bracelet, 2006, is my first full length album, and that makes it very special to me. I had the privilege of working with people who blow me away with their musicality and kindness! Thank you Rune Langhelle, Eirik Minde, Bjarte Aasmul, Kai Taule, Roger Urhaug, Harald Soltvedt og Thomas J. Bergersen. So many other people were involved in this too, and I consider myself very lucky! We even made a music video for the single back where I started. It can be found on my youtube page mersolno. The video turned out great, but I still feel bad for the intense pollution of my home-island over the two days of filming in a veeeery cool but veeeeery old bus. Anywho, hope you enjoy my audio charm bracelet! Ps: I had a brief moment time where I used the artist name Key, the moment passed :)
