[美聲佛韻系列{四臂瑪哈嘎拉心咒}] 王珺唱頌 四臂瑪哈嘎拉,全名吉祥 mahakala manyra 依怙四臂大黑天,是勝樂金剛所化現,攝諸佛之身,口,意,功得,事業,為主修勝樂金剛的密乘行者之護法神,亦是噶舉巴最主要的護法。 佛經中講:凡修勝樂金剛為本尊者,每日必供,可驅蓮花除修法時之魔擾。 四臂瑪哈嘎拉 mahakala manyra 嗡希利 瑪哈嘎拉 吽呸 Om xi li mahakala hum bi Four-armed mahakalas is the manifestation of samvara and the guardian deity of those who practice samvarz’s dharma as well as the dharmapala (protector of dharma) of the kagyu sect. The four arms of this manifestation of mahakala perform one of the following four positive karmas or actions, which are the blessings to the worshippers: ● pacify sickness, hindrances, and troubles ● increase life, good qualities and wisdom ● attact whatever dharma practitioners need and bring people to the dharma ● destroy confusion, doubt, and ignorance