Higher and Higher
`My name is Jereb Fuselier. I was a drug addict and alcoholic for 17 years. God set me free from addiction and gave me a new life through Him. My music comes from the heart. I sing because I love God. Jesus has given me new life. I know what its like to be depressed and addicted. These songs are songs of freedom. I am currently a worship leader at a church and an outreach evangelist. My wonderful wife Michelle Fuselier, also had a life changing experience with God. She was the typical social girl who partied hard and was looking for that perfect man. She was so lost and trying to find her place in life. God showed up powerfully one night while she was sitting at home and totally transformed her life! Her music also cries out a story of freedom. Together, we have a heart to see people set free from depression and bondage by God's music. Jesus is the center of our focus. Without Him there is nothing. I know that this music will fill your heart with God's presence and it will bless you tremendously.
Jereb、Michelle 4937187 05:08
Jereb、Michelle 2945220 03:04
Jereb、Michelle 4145171 04:19
Jereb、Michelle 2977395 03:06
Jereb、Michelle 3601422 03:45
Jereb、Michelle 5457125 05:41
Jereb、Michelle 4033148 04:12