Shake Sugaree, Vol. 2
by Eugene Chadbourne Many listeners are familiar with the saga of Elizabeth Cotten, and how she was discovered doing domestic work for the Seeger dynasty -- practically the equivalent of Shakespeare working as a copy runner at the local newspaper office. Her first album was done when the idea of being a recording artist was still something that startled her, whereas, by the time this second volume came along, she was already thinking like a performer and coming up with lots of new material. The opening track is "Shake Sugaree," with her daughter Brenda Evans singing, and what a classic track this is. There really isn't a letdown after that, and in many ways this is the ultimate Cotten album. Both her guitar and banjo playing are featured, and although she is hardly as well-known for her work on the five-banger, her style is great and she is really one of a handful of artists that play the banjo with a real country-blues feeling. The collection of short, traditional pieces involving banjo on the second side is such a sparkling collection of miniatures that it wouldn't be out of place in a jeweler's display case. There never seemed to be any reason to put this artist in a recording studio, as she played guitar all day anyway, and all anyone had to do was point a microphone in her direction. Nonetheless, the producer, Mike Seeger, proudly points out that some of the tracks were recorded in a freezing high-school gym, not that any of this ambience makes its way onto the vinyl. Cotten could hardly be accused of having frozen fingers here. She is in contrast one of the most accurate guitarists to ever record, partially because she never saw a need to do anything too show-offy. She never plays a note that isn't directly connected to the development of the melody or variations thereof, much in the manner of a skilled Indian classical musician. The multi-part "Fox Chase" is a masterpiece.
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